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Alter Aeon Area - The Ramanek wasteland

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Recommended Area Level:  42
Creator(s):              tarrant
Location:                The Continent of Ramanek

Nearby Areas   -
Northwest      - Wizard's Tomb
Northeast      - Kithika the accursed city
South          - Village of Tarmor
North          - The hidden valley of Erom Bhooj
South          - Northern mountains

Related Quests -
Level 40       - Released twenty two evils to destroy the world.
Level 40       - Released the first of 22 evils upon the world.
Level 40       - Released the second of 22 evils upon the world.
Level 40       - Released the third of 22 evils upon the world.
Level 39       - Released the fourth of 22 evils upon the world.
Level 40       - Released the fifth of 22 evils upon the world.
Level 40       - Released the sixth of 22 evils upon the world.
Level 39       - Released the seventh of 22 evils upon the world.
Level 39       - Released the eighth of 22 evils upon the world.
Level 39       - Released the ninth of 22 evils upon the world.
Level 39       - Released the tenth of 22 evils upon the world.
Level 40       - Released the eleventh of 22 evils upon the world.
Level 40       - Released the twelfth of 22 evils upon the world.
Level 39       - Released the thirteenth of 22 evils upon the world.
Level 40       - Released the fourteenth of 22 evils upon the world.
Level 40       - Released the fifteenth of 22 evils upon the world.
Level 40       - Released the sixteenth of 22 evils upon the world.
Level 40       - Released the seventeenth of 22 evils upon the world.
Level 40       - Released the eighteenth of 22 evils upon the world.
Level 40       - Released the nineteenth of 22 evils upon the world.
Level 40       - Released the twentieth of 22 evils upon the world.
Level 40       - Released the twenty-first of the 22 evils upon the w...
Level 40       - Released the twenty-second of the 22 evils upon the ...
Level 48       - Scouted the area beyond the barrier in the Ramanek w...
Level 38       - Constructed and animated a magical servant.


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