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Alter Aeon Area - Town of Vemarken

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Recommended Area Level:  10
Creator(s):              dentin draak morpheus
Location:                The Island of Sloe

Nearby Areas   -
South          - The Vemarken tower of Learning
Southwest      - Grotto Oxidado
Northwest      - The Vemarken Hidden Gardens
Northwest      - The False Temple
North          - Gocholandia, Central Sloe

Related Quests -
Level 10       - Found the needle in the haystack!
Level 10       - Chatted up the Mayor of Vemarken on behalf of the ge...
Level 10       - Helped the local merchants of Sloe deliver crucial s...
Level  9       - Returned the sacred chalice to the Shrine of the Vem...
Level 10       - Put down the deadly white wolf.
Level 12       - Vanquished the foul Nekker of the Blue Marshes.
Level  9       - Returned a lost memento to an old man.
Level 10       - Solved the riddle of the foaming fountain.
Level 10       - Gathered a few items for an apothecary in Vemarken.
Level 11       - Brought Dinger a bag of goodies.
Level 10       - Reported to the general storekeeper.
Level 12       - Collected a bounty for cleaning up some of the nuisa...
Level 12       - Brought a ray of sunshine to brighten an imp's day!
Level 16       - Slew the cold drake in Pilar's Hideaway
Level 17       - Performed a wellness check on Sir Cadenisimo
Level 18       - Looked upon Califax's prison within the Vault of the...
Level 17       - Slew the rust drake in Grotto Oxidado
Level 13       - Helped to cure a sick child.

The fair-sized village of Vemarken is located roughly in the center of the
Island of Sloe. Its advantageous postion along the island's major trade
routes have allowed it to enjoy a great deal of prosperity. They have a
democratic mayorship, with local volunteers, mostly veterans of skirmishes
with kobolds and aggressive sprites, staffing the cityguard  force in their
spare time.

Each one of the major guilds is represented.  There are plenty of useful
items to buy, as well as jobs that need to be done. Magical portals lead
not  only to the town of Indira on the island of Kordan, but also to the
mainland and to the Lower Elemental Plane of Air.

Lately, the citizens of Vemarken have lost contact with the hamlet of
Pellam, to the west of the village. 

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