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Alter Aeon Area - The Adarin Desert

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Recommended Area Level:  34
Creator(s):              gandor
Location:                The Mainland of Atmir

Nearby Areas   -
South          - The City of Koralia's Heart
North          - Ruined Temple
West           - The Great Trench
Northwest      - Rock Gnome Caves
East           - The Verian River and Marsh

Related Quests -
Level 37       - Destroyed a huge gohlbrorn nest, effectively ridding...
Level 37       - Recovered and returned Kerwal's supplies.

The Adarin Desert is a medium sized desert located a goodly distance to the
west of Vandar in the southwestern mainland. 

It is an extremely dry desert and rarely receives more than half of an inch
of rain per year, yet several forms of wildlife manage to survive in this
arid and cruel environment.  

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