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Alter Aeon Areas - Complete List

This list of areas is provided by the Aozumi branch of the Ralnoth
Cartographers Guild.  Detailed maps of some of the more explored
areas are available from any Guild branch office, for a small
donation used only to help fund expeditions into the unknown.

Click here to show all areas.

The Continent of Gianasi

This massive island is located in the western portion of the Southern
Ocean. It is ringed by rugged cliffs, and there are few safe place
to make landfall. Many a sailor has told stories of the giant monsters
inhabiting the interior, but they may just be tall tales.
There are numerous smaller island around it, some with small settlements.

 Level  Description                                      Creators
[   43] Island of Jahmecca                               morpheus jahmeir meccano
[   43] Corona Island                                    morpheus jahmeir meccano trel
[   43] Continent of Gianasi, Pilgia Lake, River, and Marshmorpheus jahmeir boreas
[   43] The Continent of Gianasi, The Garkgia Jungle     morpheus jahmeir boreas
[   43] The Continent of Gianasi, The Ravagarkgia Forest morpheus jahmeir boreas
[   43] The Continent of Gianasi, The Platgia Swamp      morpheus jahmeir boreas
[   43] The Island of Morjah                             morpheus jahmeir
[   43] Isle of the Dead                                 morpheus jahmeir meccano trel
[   43] Cliffside Island                                 jahmeir meccano trel morpheus
[   43] Jahmeir's golems                                 meccano jahmeir morpheus

10 area entries displayed.

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