Alter Aeon Areas - Complete List
This list of areas is provided by the Aozumi branch of the Ralnoth
Cartographers Guild. Detailed maps of some of the more explored
areas are available from any Guild branch office, for a small
donation used only to help fund expeditions into the unknown.
Click here to show all areas.
The Continent of Suboria
The continent of Suboria lies south of the mainland and can only be reached
by ship. It is believed to be a great archipelago, with its southern portions joined
together by vast sheets of ice. The eastern half of Suboria is rumored to hold the Yuki
Province, the seat of the fabled Dragon Emperor. Western Suboria is home to various
large human cities as well settlements of drow, gnolls and giants. The boldest explorers
travel south across the eastern Ice Lands to find frozen mountains stalked by
predators and undead.
Level Description Creators
[ 40] The Aggerazzi Swamp dancer valront
[ 40] Jungle and swamp dancer
[ 40] The City of Elborat morpheus inessa taran
[ 40] Ilfing Road morpheus draak
[ 40] The Tombs of the Forgotten morpheus boreas emiko
[ 40] The Salt Pan, western Suboria draak
[ 40] The Village of Newtonia shadowfax cygnii
[ 40] The Cauldron, west Suboria draak
[ 40] The Village of Egmondville shadowfax shrew
[ 40] The Torsius Wasteland ruin valront
[ 40] The Shii'lok Mountain peaks ruin valront
[ 40] Frost giant stronghold ruin valront
[ 40] Kora'tur doa valront
[ 40] Tashadar, city of the drow doa valront kuranes
[ 40] Swamp Dwarves taran morpheus
[ 40] The city of Dorna tanthas
[ 40] The Kingdom of Darcadia morpheus
[ 40] Land of Arcadia morpheus
[ 40] The Shady Vale morpheus
[ 40] Bonechewer Gnoll Camp valront corallon
[ 40] Road along the River Ilfing morpheus taran
[ 40] The City of Finspang taran morpheus
[ 40] The Valmor mine valront morpheus
[ 40] The City of Kings morpheus dentin
[ 40] The Disused Fane dentin morpheus inessa taran
[ 40] Headhunter Island morpheus inessa ralithune
[ 40] A woodland retreat heart grolantor
[ 40] The Shii'lok Mountain Ice Fortress dentin morpheus inessa
[ 40] Pygmy island brak
[ 40] The City of Shill'tara brak meccano
[ 41] The Hill Giant Kingdom fikh brak
[ 41] The Firbolg Forest fikh brak
[ 41] Palace of the Dragon Emperor, Imperial Archives arislan cygnii draak
[ 41] The Dragon's Dish draak
[ 41] Suboria, deepling realms draak
[ 41] The Coral Castle draak
[ 41] The Ryuu Rookery and Mines draak
[ 41] The Tomb of Shenlong draak capitolina
[ 41] Ishi Province draak
[ 41] The Isle of Riaza draak
[ 41] The Ryuu Graveyard draak
[ 41] Palace of the Dragon Emperor, Public Halls draak
[ 41] The Ice Wastes draak
[ 41] The Dragon's Path draak
[ 41] Yuki Province draak
[ 42] Palace of the Dragon Emperor, Garden and Keep draak shadowfax
[ 42] The Ice Barrier draak
[ 42] The Ice Lands draak
[ 42] The Shiroi Sora Monastery draak
[ 42] The Misuto-Shima Ruins draak capitolina
[ 42] The Misuto-Shima Province draak
[ 42] The Ayakashi Archipelago draak
[ 42] The Inner Sea of Suboria draak
[ 42] A remnant of Drakdrol shadowfax kagome
54 area entries displayed.
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