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Prev Msg   - Dec 31 21:05 (druid) my post from dec 31st 2002
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Date:    Dec 31 21:06
From:    druid
Subject: my post just after dec 31st 2004
Mmk so ther has been all these tsunamis and shit in asia and it makes me wonder why
the fuck england hasnt been
wiped out in the last thousand years or so. We have our little disasters which kill
two or three hundred people
but oherwise we seem to get off very lightly. I mean all weve really had to put up
with in the past 50 years is IRA bombs
and a couple of wars where the enemy has run surrendered without a fight. Makes me
think our tiny island is due a big
distaster r a nuclear accident or something. No way can a country as a whole be so

So anyway ive goven up on xp. Even my multi (shorty) doesnt get much in the way of
xp anymore because i know if i
choose to level him then i'll reach my goal of 29 30 31 32 and herell be nop point
in anything anymore so im just
putting things on hold so ie still got something to do in the fuure that will validate
my mud existance.
But i suppose i'm taling bollocks really. well to be honest ive had a lot to drink
so its very likely that
anything i type now is open to interpretation. I take no responsibility for my own

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