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Next Msg - 2023 Sep 24 20:35 (morpheus) aging and fountain
Date: 2023 Sep 13 22:02
To: all
From: ax
Subject: aging and the fountain of youth.
Hello. Thanks for the update. I am going to put this suggestion here, as it
has to do with age and aging. There is a point in the game where everyone
will have to drink from the fountain of youth at some point. For those who
don't know what the fountain of youth is, it will make you younger each
time you drink from it, but at a great cost. Magic casters should only
drink from this fountain if they are around 220-230, because there comes a
point where you actually start to lose mana and mana regen if you are too
old. The problem, however, is that you also lose a percentage of knowledge
for a handful of spells/skills, and this becomes worse with every time you
drink. I had to fountain a few days ago, and was surprised I went from 47
spells/skills learned at perfect, all the way down to 0, and that was only
from 2 or 3 drinks. I am writing this because I do not feel it is fair that
you should have to lose knowledge of skills/spells when you fountain. It's
something everyone is going to eventaully have to do at some point, and I
feel that this is sort of like a punishment for having to do this. It
doesn't make a lot of sense to me, particularly because age has nothing to
do with how well you know a certain spell or skill. Losing mana and mana
regeneration I completely understand. You're younger, so you should. But I
really feel like losing knowledge of skills is going a bit to far, because
some spells can be extremely hard to get back.
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