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Alter Aeon Player Channel 'Auction'

The content of player-controlled channels may not be moderated and
does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the administrative staff.
Further, it is not filtered for either content or profanity, and may
not be suitable for children.  Browse at your own risk.

Creation Date: Mon Aug 30 21:02:31 2004
Channel Name:  auction

(note - most recent messages are displayed at the bottom)
 (4 days ago)     Eggweard auctions, 'dont forget this is costing you
100 gold each time you put an item up for auction'

 (4 days ago)     'a ring of shielding' sold for 1 gold coins.

 (4 days ago)     'a geographical map of the islands' sold for 45 gold

 (4 days ago)     Buse auctions, '1 pack'

 (4 days ago)     Buse auctions, 'Sorry, wrote the wrong commands'

 (4 days ago)     'a green goblin backpack' sold for 1 gold coins.

 (4 days ago)     'a bubbling brown potion' sold for 1 gold coins.

 (4 days ago)     Spiderman auctions, 'can someone please auction
either a potion or a scroll of fly?'

 (4 days ago)     'a rod of mithril' sold for 1 gold coins.

 (4 days ago)     Gisella auctions, 'lamo'

 (4 days ago)     'a thorn dart' sold for 1 gold coins.

 (4 days ago)     Nessie auctions, 'wow trash auctionning time it

 (4 days ago)     'a palm wood fishing pole' sold for 1 gold coins.

 (4 days ago)     'a spider poison antidote' sold for 1 gold coins.

 (4 days ago)     [auction] Moderator Warning: This conversation needs
to change, stop or move somewhere else.

 (4 days ago)     Nessie auctions, 'what conversation'

 (4 days ago)     Spiderman auctions, 'good question don?t know.'

 (4 days ago)     Gisella auctions, 'yeah was no convo'

 (4 days ago)     Nessie auctions, 'only a nub auctionning trash'

 (4 days ago)     'Tensor's floating disc' sold for 150 gold coins.

 (4 days ago)     Gisella auctions, 'who is doing the auctioning'

 (4 days ago)     Nessie auctions, 'idk'

 (4 days ago)     Gisella auctions, 'i used to have the plugin that
told me who was selling'

 (4 days ago)     Valront auctions, 'That shouldn't be possible, if it
is possible something is breaking somewhere'

 (4 days ago)     Nessie auctions, 'lmao was about to say that'

 (4 days ago)     Gisella auctions, 'yeah it was a plugin a long time

 (4 days ago)     Stormwing auctions, 'when that pluggin existed, it
only worked because enough people with the plugin opted in to sharing
that information with a channel '

 (4 days ago)     Gisella auctions, 'hmm'

 (4 days ago)     Stormwing auctions, 'but if people not using the
pluggin were auctioning then you would still not know'

 (4 days ago)     Valront auctions, 'oh, ok yeah that makes sense, if
you're using channels and stuff to make it happen it would work'

 (4 days ago)     Gisella auctions, 'i am a newb dont mind me'

 (4 days ago)     Valront auctions, 'it would have to be opt in though'

 (4 days ago)     Deneve auctions, 'yeah with the revenant incident
you're probably noobing hard'

 (4 days ago)     Nessie auctions, 'lmao'

 (4 days ago)     Stormwing auctions, 'it was yes'

 (4 days ago)     Gisella auctions, 'it is a yes'

 (4 days ago)     Gisella auctions, 'now put on auction who was
gossiping and ill bid 100 gold'

 (4 days ago)     Valront auctions, 'to be super clear though, people
who are trolling auction ether via spamming it with auctions to
intentionally annoy people or who intentionally outbid people just to
upset and troll them. Avatars do have the ability to see who is
auctioning and who is bidding. It's only annonymous from normal
players. e'

 (4 days ago)     Gisella auctions, 'hmm'

 (4 days ago)     Gisella auctions, 'so you could smack that person
trolling rn'

 (4 days ago)     Gisella auctions, 'or tell su who it is'

 (4 days ago)     Gisella auctions, 'us*'

 (4 days ago)     Valront auctions, 'not everyone auctioning silly
things is trolling. New players who don't know the games economy or the
value of things do exist'

 (4 days ago)     Gisella auctions, 'i am sure that is what is going
inon right now '

 (4 days ago)     Nessie auctions, 'have no time for trolling anyway,
exp runs are more important to me'

 (4 days ago)     Gisella auctions, 'nojerks nojerks nojerks'

 (4 days ago)     Gnarwhal auctions, 'im a newb , learning the system'

 (4 days ago)     Gisella auctions, 'have fun  then'

 (4 days ago)     Gisella auctions, 'feel free to give me the 100 gold
though  to sell those items for you for 1 gold'

 (4 days ago)     Gisella auctions, 'pssh ill cut it to 85 and auction

 (4 days ago)     Gnarwhal auctions, 'this game has been great , the
community is awesome aw well'

 (4 days ago)     Gisella auctions, 'it is the bewst'

 (4 days ago)     Gisella auctions, 'literally the best'

 (4 days ago)     Valront auctions, 'its alright I guess, but it's got
nothing on pong'

 (4 days ago)     Gisella auctions, 'forehead pong maybe'

 (4 days ago)     Gnarwhal auctions, 'pong is the all time goat '

 (4 days ago)     Jasondo auctions, 'wow! impressive!'

 (4 days ago)     Gisella auctions, 'i wanted it to be better bu tno

 (4 days ago)     Aariana auctions, 'a tensor please?'

 (4 days ago)     Valront auctions, 'I dont think you'll get much
better at that level, level up more and craft higher level things. The
stats on that given the level are pretty ridonculous'

 (4 days ago)     Gisella auctions, 'relly?'

 (4 days ago)     'Tensor's floating disc' sold for 150 gold coins.

 (4 days ago)     Valront auctions, 'clev 1 mana regen 4.5 and 25 mana
at level 36, tot 154? Yeah thats pretty dang nutty heh'

 (4 days ago)     Gisella auctions, 'i am a really lucky newb'

 (4 days ago)     Gisella auctions, 'anyone want to buy 9 level 50
restoration potions for 1k gold?'

 (4 days ago)     Lokar auctions, 'that seems higher than I remember
shops selling higher level potions for, am I behind the times?'

 (4 days ago)     Nessie auctions, 'yes'

 (4 days ago)     Gisella auctions, 'that is wahat i thought to'

 (4 days ago)     Gisella auctions, 'what i thought *'

 (4 days ago)     Gisella auctions, 'levle 70 are like 225'

 (4 days ago)     Gisella auctions, 'i am offering right at 100

 (4 days ago)     Gisella auctions, 'i used to sell for 75 each'

 (4 days ago)     Lokar auctions, 'I guess this shop is selling level
93s at 200 each'

 (4 days ago)     Gisella auctions, 'which'

 (4 days ago)     Viperos auctions, 'oo bargain'

 (4 days ago)     Nessie auctions, 'damn nice '

 (4 days ago)     Nessie auctions, 'what shop what shop'

 (4 days ago)     Gisella auctions, 'clan bones i bet'

 (4 days ago)     Lokar auctions, 'ur a bones'

 (4 days ago)     Nessie auctions, 'good to know'

 (4 days ago)     Gisella auctions, 'minks restoration are super beefy

 (4 days ago)     Nessie auctions, 'na they  mixed with a lot of spells

 (4 days ago)     Gisella auctions, 'nah restoration and major heal

 (4 days ago)     Jasondo auctions, 'wow. talk about encumbrance...'

 (4 days ago)     Ax auctions, 'speeking of fhsing poles, why is itthat
I see some on auction that are over 1000 pounds, but when I buy them
they decrease to 900 pounds? is that the weight limit or something?'

 (4 days ago)     Gisella auctions, 'nice'

 (3 days ago)     Rhaegar auctions, 'eww'

 (3 days ago)     Aariana auctions, 'a tensor please?'

 (3 days ago)     Aariana auctions, 'thank you'

 (3 days ago)     'Tensor's floating disc' sold for 150 gold coins.

 (3 days ago)     Aariana auctions, 'tensor please?'

 (3 days ago)     Aariana auctions, 'thank you'

 (3 days ago)     'Tensor's floating disc' sold for 150 gold coins.

 (3 days ago)     Aariana auctions, 'A tensor please?'

 (3 days ago)     Aariana auctions, 'thank you'

 (3 days ago)     'Tensor's floating disc' sold for 200 gold coins.

 (3 days ago)     Aariana auctions, 'a tensor please'

 (3 days ago)     'Tensor's floating disc' sold for 200 gold coins.

 (3 days ago)     Aariana auctions, 'a tensor please?'

 (3 days ago)     Aariana auctions, 'thank you'

 (3 days ago)     'Tensor's floating disc' sold for 150 gold coins.

 (3 days ago)     'a dragontooth trident' sold for 100 gold coins.

 (3 days ago)     'The Naginata of the Kuei Spirit' sold for 100 gold

 (3 days ago)     Aariana auctions, 'A tensor please?'

 (3 days ago)     Aariana auctions, 'thank you'

 (3 days ago)     'Tensor's floating disc' sold for 150 gold coins.

 (3 days ago)     Lokar auctions, 'spin to win'

 (3 days ago)     'a book entitled 'If you can't beat them, spinkick
them!'' sold for 200 gold coins.

 (3 days ago)     'a Collar of the Wild Hunt' sold for 1 gold coins.

 (3 days ago)     'a helm of invisibility' sold for 100 gold coins.

 (3 days ago)     Aariana auctions, 'a tensor please'

 (3 days ago)     Aariana auctions, 'thank you'

 (3 days ago)     'Tensor's floating disc' sold for 150 gold coins.

 (3 days ago)     Aariana auctions, 'a tensor please?'

 (3 days ago)     Aariana auctions, 'thank you.!'

 (3 days ago)     'Tensor's floating disc' sold for 150 gold coins.

 (3 days ago)     Snowflake auctions, 'can i have a tensers too?'

 (3 days ago)     Snowflake auctions, 'i mean bid 200'

 (3 days ago)     Mink auctions, 'alwayz'

 (3 days ago)     'Tensor's floating disc' sold for 200 gold coins.

 (3 days ago)     Aariana auctions, 'a tensor please?'

 (3 days ago)     Aariana auctions, 'thank you'

 (3 days ago)     'Tensor's floating disc' sold for 150 gold coins.

 (3 days ago)     'Tensor's floating disc' sold for 200 gold coins.

 (3 days ago)     Snowflake auctions, 'tensrs please'

 (3 days ago)     'Tensor's floating disc' sold for 200 gold coins.

 (3 days ago)     Aariana auctions, 'a tensor please?'

 (3 days ago)     'Tensor's floating disc' sold for 150 gold coins.

 (3 days ago)     Snowflake auctions, 'tensrs please'

 (3 days ago)     Jasondo auctions, 'heh, interesting'

 (3 days ago)     Eggweard auctions, 'sorry I forgot to wash it out.'

 (3 days ago)     'A brown Tensor's floating disc' sold for 200 gold

 (3 days ago)     Jasondo auctions, 'wonder how much shit was in it.

 (3 days ago)     Aariana auctions, 'a tensor please'

 (3 days ago)     Aariana auctions, 'a tensor please?'

 (3 days ago)     'corona bat guano' sold for 25 gold coins.

 (3 days ago)     Sport auctions, 'Gad's Landing Magic Supplies. 2
north and east from center of gads landing. stock up on restoration and
sanc pots, or major heal scrols. check us out'

 (3 days ago)     Sport auctions, 'Daigaku-Tatami Magic Supplies. just
1 easy step east from steps wp. stocked with some of the best
consumables on the mud. check us out'

 (3 days ago)     Torax auctions, 'I figure since it's cold where I am,
I'd honor that fact with a lil tiny bowl of soup.'

 (3 days ago)     Lokar auctions, 'it tastes vile'

 (3 days ago)     Matrim auctions, 'mmm'

 (3 days ago)     Matrim auctions, 'must be medicine'

 (3 days ago)     'a bowl of cold soup' sold for 200 gold coins.

 (3 days ago)     Torax auctions, 'Lol, I combined as many as I could
to see if I could.'

 (3 days ago)     Jasondo auctions, 'You eat a bowl of cold soup. This
tastes awful. Hopefully it won't kill you. You suddenly feel nauseous!'

 (3 days ago)     Jasondo auctions, 'well, not that kind of cold,

 (3 days ago)     Torax auctions, 'Heh, lokar tried to warn you.'

 (3 days ago)     Matrim auctions, '1057 dudes? #wtf!'

 (3 days ago)     Torax auctions, 'rofl, why I did it in the first
place, for I am warped.'

 (3 days ago)     Matrim auctions, 'mc'

 (3 days ago)     Torax auctions, 'I think I may have a 10000 calory
piece of birthdaycake laying around.  Maybe not though.'

 (3 days ago)     Torax auctions, 'Hmmm, but chocolate frosted cake,
lol.  I think I'll keep those for when I am jonsing for something sweet
rl, and don't have a way due to lack of transpo off this piece of land
I now resside.'

 (2 days ago)     Chivalry auctions, 'tensers please'

 (2 days ago)     'Tensor's floating disc' sold for 150 gold coins.

 (2 days ago)     Chivalry auctions, 'hey a tensers please.'

 (2 days ago)     'Tensor's floating disc' sold for 150 gold coins.

 (2 days ago)     'wolverite ore' sold for 21 gold coins.

 (2 days ago)     Aariana auctions, 'a tenfor please?'

 (2 days ago)     Aariana auctions, 'tensor sorry'

 (2 days ago)     Aariana auctions, 'thank you'

 (2 days ago)     'A pink Tensor's floating disc' sold for 150 gold

 (2 days ago)     'a coral-inlaid bone band ring set with a white
soulstone' sold for 100 gold coins.

 (2 days ago)     Chivalry auctions, 'tensers pleae'

 (2 days ago)     'Tensor's floating disc' sold for 150 gold coins.

 (2 days ago)     Aslan auctions, '- off'

 (2 days ago)     Aslan auctions, 'can i turn off the auction channel?'

 (2 days ago)     Deneve auctions, 'just type auc'

 (2 days ago)     'a pair of patchwork leather knee pads' sold for 45
gold coins.

 (2 days ago)     'a pair of moonstone-spangled patchwork leather knee
pads' sold for 25 gold coins.

 (2 days ago)     'a super salve of regeneration' sold for 150 gold

 (2 days ago)     Almaric auctions, 'woah'

 (2 days ago)     Almaric auctions, 'this changed'

 (2 days ago)     Almaric auctions, 'an iron bracer of channeling,
Total levels: 147 (and 35 mage), Comp: BASE METAL, IRON, Weight: 20
by 25%, ABSORB_ZAP by 3'

 (2 days ago)     Savrael auctions, 'Looking to buy any kind of jade'

 (2 days ago)     'raw green jade' sold for 200 gold coins.

 (2 days ago)     Savrael auctions, 'Thank you'

 (2 days ago)     Torax auctions, 'Hmmm, I wonder if that can be

 (2 days ago)     Vishala auctions, 'cool'

 (2 days ago)     'a brick of iron' sold for 125 gold coins.

 (2 days ago)     'a block of adamantium' sold for 600 gold coins.

 (2 days ago)     Snowflake auctions, 'tensers please'

 (2 days ago)     'Tensor's floating disc' sold for 1 gold coins.

 (1 day ago)      Potato auctions, 'we restocked our 2 shops with
restorations petals major heal scrolls first shop 1 south and 1 west
from steps wp second shop from summer wp 2 north '

 (1 day ago)      'Tensor's floating disc' sold for 150 gold coins.

 (1 day ago)      Chivalry auctions, 'tensor please'

 (1 day ago)      'the acid smasher' sold for 400 gold coins.

 (1 day ago)      Peeon auctions, 'I had one of those when tboss was a

 (1 day ago)      'the red-faced killers hachimaki' sold for 100 gold

 (1 day ago)      Hood auctions, 'nice regen'

 (1 day ago)      Ivey auctions, 'not bad random'

 (1 day ago)      Aariana auctions, 'may I  get a tensor please?'

 (1 day ago)      Aariana auctions, 'thank you.!'

 (1 day ago)      'Tensor's floating disc' sold for 150 gold coins.

 (1 day ago)      Ivey auctions, 'wtb greenstone, 10 lb for 100 gold'

 (1 day ago)      Gisella auctions, 'lol'

 (1 day ago)      'titanium ore' sold for 101 gold coins.

 (1 day ago)      'a purple stinking gland' sold for 1 gold coins.

 (1 day ago)      Aariana auctions, 'may I get a tensor please? :)''

 (1 day ago)      Aariana auctions, 'a tensor please?'

 (1 day ago)      'Tensor's floating disc' sold for 150 gold coins.

 (1 day ago)      Potato auctions, 'best lethargy scroll xd '

 (1 day ago)      'a scribed scroll of lethargy' sold for 21 gold

 (1 day ago)      Aariana auctions, 'a tenfor please'

 (1 day ago)      Aariana auctions, 'tensor'

 (1 day ago)      Aariana auctions, 'tensorbid'

 (1 day ago)      Aariana auctions, 'Thank you :)''

 (1 day ago)      'Tensor's floating disc' sold for 200 gold coins.

 (1 day ago)      'a silver skull amulet' sold for 234 gold coins.

 (1 day ago)      Monolis auctions, 'wtb alcohol'

 (1 day ago)      Logic auctions, 'wine 123 -f'

 (1 day ago)      Monolis auctions, 'I think my legs will hurt to go to
the bar'

 (1 day ago)      'a tall glass of sweet red wine' sold for 234 gold

 (1 day ago)      Monolis auctions, 'thanks'

 (1 day ago)      Rhaegar auctions, 'wtb tensor x2'

 (1 day ago)      'Tensor's floating disc' sold for 300 gold coins.

 (1 day ago)      Rhaegar auctions, 'thanks!'

 (1 day ago)      'Tensor's floating disc' sold for 300 gold coins.

 (16 hours ago)   Aariana auctions, 'a tensor please'

 (15 hours ago)   'Tensor's floating disc' sold for 150 gold coins.

 (15 hours ago)   'a large purple bag' sold for 1 gold coins.

 (15 hours ago)   'a large purple bag' sold for 21 gold coins.

 (11 hours ago)   'Tensor's floating disc' sold for 1 gold coins.

 (11 hours ago)   'Tensor's floating disc' sold for 150 gold coins.

 (10 hours ago)   Filip auctions, 'can anyone give me a staff of

 (10 hours ago)   Filip auctions, 'never mind'

 (10 hours ago)   'boots of kicking and stomping' sold for 1 gold

 (9 hours ago)    Budster auctions, 'qiest 11'

 (9 hours ago)    Budster auctions, 'qiest 11'

 (9 hours ago)    Budster auctions, 'oops'

 (9 hours ago)    Nessie auctions, 'drink?'

 (9 hours ago)    Almaric auctions, 'wow such an awesome item'

 (9 hours ago)    Almaric auctions, 'lol'

 (8 hours ago)    Nessie auctions, 'nice to sac sac'

 (8 hours ago)    Almaric auctions, 'but what if you've lv90?'

 (8 hours ago)    'a smooth, black stone' sold for 123 gold coins.

 (8 hours ago)    Rhaegar auctions, 'uh, spellres?'

 (8 hours ago)    Rhaegar auctions, 'mc'

 (7 hours ago)    Almaric auctions, 'rofl thiefskill saves'

 (7 hours ago)    Gisella auctions, 'grr'

 (7 hours ago)    Almaric auctions, 'sure u can beat 121'

 (7 hours ago)    Gisella auctions, 'i am poor newb'

 (7 hours ago)    'a flawless warpstone' sold for 666 gold coins.

 (7 hours ago)    'a flawless warpstone' sold for 330 gold coins.

 (5 hours ago)    Gisella auctions, 'anyone want to buy 8 levela'

 (4 hours ago)    Filip auctions, 'can anyone give me a staff, or a
scroll of water breathing?'

 (4 hours ago)    Torax auctions, 'Hmmm'

 (4 hours ago)    'a scribed scroll of water breathing' sold for 100
gold coins.

 (4 hours ago)    Filip auctions, 'thx for the item'

 (1 hour ago)     'a small iron box' sold for 230 gold coins.

 (1 hour ago)     'a small iron box' sold for 200 gold coins.


This page has been referenced 41 times since last boot.

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