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Alter Aeon Player Channel 'Bovine'

The content of player-controlled channels may not be moderated and
does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the administrative staff.
Further, it is not filtered for either content or profanity, and may
not be suitable for children.  Browse at your own risk.

Creation Date: Fri Aug  2 08:37:25 2002
Channel Name:  bovine

(note - most recent messages are displayed at the bottom)
 (7 days ago)     [bovine] Allison: well, the shadow is the shadow,
clearly. duh

 (7 days ago)     [bovine] Lilmike: a vengeful spirit *is* a clearly
defined shadow, and doesn't give a crap about your shadow bind.

 (7 days ago)     [bovine] Draak: I'm already looking

 (7 days ago)     [bovine] Almaric: the corpse of a vengeful spirit

 (7 days ago)     [bovine] Valront: dang ice gods trying to take my job

 (7 days ago)     [bovine] Almaric: @area builder maybe nocorpse this?

 (7 days ago)     [bovine] Draak: dang valronts trying to take my job

 (7 days ago)     [bovine] Valront: @almaric maybe typo log? lol

 (7 days ago)     [bovine] Almaric: :P

 (7 days ago)     [bovine] Allison: I'm getting like ... shadow asylum
vibes. it's clearly gotta be solid. unless asylum's just a void. 

 (7 days ago)     [bovine] Almaric: :P

 (7 days ago)     [bovine] Almaric: figured the area builder spke 2
minutes ago on this chan soooo

 (7 days ago)     [bovine] Allison: if shadows can be solid enough to
form blades and hold people I figure they can leave corpses. anyways,
enough of my fatigued trying to make sense of fantasy games.

 (7 days ago)     [bovine] Draak@alter draak: its specifically an
ethereal shadow, so I can't imagine there's a lot of physicality to
such an entity

 (7 days ago)     [bovine] Draak@alter draak: compare finger1 finger2

 (7 days ago)     [bovine] Draak@alter draak: Comparing objects a
heraldic thistle steel knot ring and a snowflake ziff signet ring set
with a brilliant blue diamond...

 (6 days ago)     [bovine] Soth: cat knocked water ojn my keyboard
while I was gone to walmart and when I came in just now it was spamming
nw lol. I just saw a long line of "Alas, you cannot go that way"

 (6 days ago)     [bovine] Shryth: kitty wanted to play AA too

 (6 days ago)     [bovine] Lokar: sorry you were clearly botting,
banned from the game for life

 (6 days ago)     [bovine] Soth: rofl

 (6 days ago)     [bovine] Shryth: catbot

 (6 days ago)     [bovine] Soth: luckily I have a backup keyboard but
this thing is one of those old monster keyvboards from the early 2000's

 (6 days ago)     [bovine] Soth: looks and sounds similar to a
typewriter rofl

 (6 days ago)     [bovine] Dex: imo AA on laptop keyboard is peak

 (6 days ago)     [bovine] Shryth: imagine one of those smooth apple
keyboards you can use with your iphone though

 (6 days ago)     [bovine] Lokar: gross, I cant stand laptop keyboards,
when I used to have a laptop I carried around an extra keyboard and
mouse with me for it

 (6 days ago)     [bovine] Ezechar: same it just doesn't feel as nice

 (6 days ago)     [bovine] Ezechar: I still like a mouse more than a
trackpad even those trackpads these days are really good

 (6 days ago)     [bovine] Ezechar: even though*

 (6 days ago)     [bovine] Lokar: they're functional but they can't top
a good mouse

 (6 days ago)     [bovine] Ezechar: I got a razer viper ultimate on
sale once and it was very nice definitely a steal

 (6 days ago)     [bovine] Dex: cant believe i could FPS with a
baseball in a mitt

 (6 days ago)     [bovine] Lokar: you could... what with a who?

 (6 days ago)     [bovine] Shryth: first person shoot with a baseball
in a mitt...big clunky mouse I'm assuming

 (6 days ago)     [bovine] Dex: give em the smoke with a ball mouse id
have to clean when things got real

 (6 days ago)     [bovine] Lokar: ok I understood fps it was the second
part that had me confused and made me think maybe I wasn't actually
understanding the first part heh

 (6 days ago)     [bovine] Shryth: you calling a hotdog
wrapped in bacon a biker in a leather vest

 (6 days ago)     [bovine] Lokar: man I remember needing to routinely
clean my mouse ball for gaming purposes heh

 (6 days ago)     [bovine] Shryth: or half a fried chicken with fries a
dead seagull with rafters

 (6 days ago)     [bovine] Lokar: Shryth go home you're drunk

 (6 days ago)     [bovine] Shryth: I'm already home

 (6 days ago)     [bovine] Shryth: and I didn't even finish the bottle
of Bailey's

 (6 days ago)     [bovine] Lokar: you only think you're home cause
you're so drunk

 (6 days ago)     [bovine] Shryth: well you...

 (6 days ago)     [bovine] Shryth: you only think I'm drunk because
you''re...a big meanie dumbdumb

 (6 days ago)     [bovine] Shryth: so take that!

 (6 days ago)     [bovine] Lokar: I mean... thats probably at least
half true

 (6 days ago)     [bovine] Dex: there a way to brew relabel all.bolster
major heal or whatever

 (6 days ago)     [bovine] Dex: spamming brew relabel semicolon put
potion tensors works well enough

 (5 days ago)     [bovine] Dentin: god damn ai chatbots are smart now

 (5 days ago)     [bovine] Torax: They sure are.

 (5 days ago)     [bovine] Dentin: the one I've been using is easily,
easily smarter than me.  And it knows more

 (5 days ago)     [bovine] Torax: In fact incredible what they can do.
A few days ago I had cause to use my phone to take a pic and run it
through ai, and it really described everything.  Gray dingy keyboard,
smudges on the screen.  Right down to the dog hair on my pants.

 (5 days ago)     [bovine] Torax: I have found, it's all about the
prompting.  And...  It appears to learn from each interaction.

 (5 days ago)     [bovine] Dentin: I've been using it to help me
understand some niche aspects of electrochemistry

 (5 days ago)     [bovine] Lokar: Dentin over here using AI for useful
things. Me using AI for writing Spider-man Vegietales crossover fanfic.

 (5 days ago)     [bovine] Hood: omg mega hype!

 (5 days ago)     [bovine] Hexblade: I just looked in the donation room
in ralnoth and found a belt that says that it evil, but alto anti evil
anti good mage.  how can this be?

 (5 days ago)     [bovine] Shryth: what's the shortid?

 (5 days ago)     [bovine] Shryth: and what belt?

 (5 days ago)     [bovine] Hexblade: brag object belt

 (5 days ago)     [bovine] Hexblade: A brass-buckled leather belt,
Total levels: 158 (and 36 mage), Comp: FLESH, SKIN, Weight: 5 EVIL
5.0, MAGE_CAST_LEVEL by 1, INT by 1, ABSORB_FIRE by 2

 (5 days ago)     [bovine] Shryth: huh yeah... weird

 (5 days ago)     [bovine] Lokar: I mean the 'how' is easy, someone put
all 3 flags on the belt - the how is super simple. Whether or not it
was intended or makes sense is another story

 (5 days ago)     [bovine] Lokar: its completely unwearable as is, but
how is the wrong question heh

 (5 days ago)     [bovine] Hexblade: maybe the belt is earable by
neutral chars?

 (5 days ago)     [bovine] Lokar: nope

 (5 days ago)     [bovine] Shryth: no?

 (5 days ago)     [bovine] Lokar: antievil zaps if you wear evil
flagged eq

 (5 days ago)     [bovine] Shryth: oh hahahaha

 (5 days ago)     [bovine] Lokar: it is evil and antievil

 (5 days ago)     [bovine] Lokar: it zaps its self

 (5 days ago)     [bovine] Shryth: the belt of low self esteem

 (5 days ago)     [bovine] Hexblade: so should I just sac it?

 (5 days ago)     [bovine] Shryth: I'd probably figure out where it
comes from and typo log it

 (5 days ago)     [bovine] Lokar: or just let it sit in donation, its
not like its hurting anything in there

 (5 days ago)     [bovine] Shryth: or keep it for lulz

 (5 days ago)     [bovine] Lokar: I doubt hexblade is going where that
is from and typo logging it, mostly cause I'm pretty sure I donated it
and didn't notice the flags

 (5 days ago)     [bovine] Shryth: fair :P

 (5 days ago)     [bovine] Hexblade: thanks

 (5 days ago)     [bovine] Valront: hexblade that typo log literally
said nothing, but also stop. I'm already working on it heh

 (5 days ago)     [bovine] Rhorae: what's the syntax for this? You can
now retrieve and place items from the first layer of nested containers
in your inventory using the new '-r' recursive switch.

 (5 days ago)     [bovine] Almaric: get stuff container_in_container

 (5 days ago)     [bovine] Almaric: u specify the container thats
inside another container. you dont have tos picify in wich container it

 (5 days ago)     [bovine] Almaric: like u have a bag in your mirror u
would type get stuff bag -r

 (5 days ago)     [bovine] Rhorae: oh apparently you can't abbreviate
the nested container's name

 (5 days ago)     [bovine] Almaric: nod

 (5 days ago)     [bovine] Rhorae: that's why I couldn't figure it out

 (5 days ago)     [bovine] Rhorae: that would've been helpful to put in
the changelog

 (5 days ago)     [bovine] Lejaguar: anoher note on recursive bags, to
my knowledge and from my testing, you cannot specify 2.container,
therefore recursive doesn't work so well if you have two containers in
the first layer that share a name

 (5 days ago)     [bovine] Morpheus: then get a different named bag. 

 (5 days ago)     [bovine] Lejaguar: Nod

 (5 days ago)     [bovine] Morpheus: and I don't eman that as a jerk,
but things like that  there was no easy  way around it.. If it isn't
going by the uuid.

 (5 days ago)     [bovine] Lejaguar: Nod, wasn't asking for a
fix(whatever), just noting that for anyone who was talking about
recursive earlier on bovine who may be lsitening

 (5 days ago)     [bovine] Morpheus: nod, but what I said kind of
sounded jerkish and wasn't how I meant to come off.

 (5 days ago)     [bovine] Morpheus: try using the  uuid see if that

 (5 days ago)     [bovine] Sandman: the uuid works.. set it up to use
that.. insult bag 1  insult bag 2 use the uuid

 (5 days ago)     [bovine] Lejaguar: Gothca, thanks for letting us
know, for some reason (that I don't remember), I assumed that uuid
wouldn't work

 (5 days ago)     [bovine] Lejaguar: Gotcha*

 (5 days ago)     [bovine] Lokar: something something when you assume
something ass you something me something

 (5 days ago)     [bovine] Val: what's the scholar's boon exactly?

 (5 days ago)     [bovine] Mink: extra long sharpness

 (5 days ago)     [bovine] Val: ah, thanks

 (5 days ago)     [bovine] Mink: try show boon

 (5 days ago)     [bovine] Sport: ok. who is crashing the mud

 (5 days ago)     [bovine] Deneve: good question

 (5 days ago)     [bovine] Valront: sorry I burped

 (5 days ago)     [bovine] Sport: hiccup next time

 (5 days ago)     [bovine] Kuranes: oh that's what that was

 (5 days ago)     [bovine] Valront: but also if anyone has any idea
what caused that send me a tell

 (5 days ago)     [bovine] Valront: I guess it helps if I'm not wizi

 (5 days ago)     [bovine] Sport: don't assume

 (5 days ago)     [bovine] Lejaguar: did we crash multiple times?

 (5 days ago)     [bovine] Torax: I've been having trouble with my
internet, donno really otherwise though.

 (5 days ago)     [bovine] Torax: Other than a reboot earlier.

 (5 days ago)     [bovine] Lejaguar: Heh just curious, we crashed about
an hour and a half ago and not sure if any other crashes occurred since

 (4 days ago)     [bovine] Dentin: next boot or crash should in theory
fix the crash bug

 (4 days ago)     [bovine] Mink: ohh nice, are there planneda boot
later today?

 (4 days ago)     [bovine] Dentin: gym time

 (4 days ago)     [bovine] Elfie: fun times :)

 (4 days ago)     [bovine] Dentin: New player name failure for
'ultralightningdreamdragon', reason 'name is stupid'

 (4 days ago)     [bovine] Kenta: regarding the names thing, i like how
you provide a list of potential names to use now, that was something we
never had before, and i think its only enhanced the game.

 (4 days ago)     [bovine] Eggweard: why can we not make this revenant
stop using the tanking skill

 (4 days ago)     [bovine] Deneve: uh what?

 (4 days ago)     [bovine] Lokar: is it set to the tank role or did you
make it turn on the tank skill. These are two different things

 (4 days ago)     [bovine] Deneve: An adamantine steel-scaled revenant
says, 'I am not tanking.'

 (4 days ago)     [bovine] Lokar: my guess is someone set the wrong

 (4 days ago)     [bovine] Eggweard: tank skill

 (4 days ago)     [bovine] Eggweard: I cant make it stop using the tank

 (4 days ago)     [bovine] Deneve: just tell the person to remove
revenant tank?

 (4 days ago)     [bovine] Valront: The issue was gisella made the mob
use the tank skill, and didnt set its role to tank which are two
different things

 (4 days ago)     [bovine] Valront: and was probably trying to set its
role to assist rather than tell it to turn tank off

 (4 days ago)     [bovine] Eggweard: tryiong to explain the difference

 (4 days ago)     [bovine] Draak: oh, man

 (4 days ago)     [bovine] Draak: An adamantine steel-scaled revenant
sounds wicked cool

 (4 days ago)     [bovine] Draak: its like some kind of cyborg zombie

 (4 days ago)     [bovine] Eggweard: it is wicked cool, and it really
really wanted to fight everything

 (4 days ago)     [bovine] Stormwing: I kinda want to build
steampunk/magitech zombies now.

 (4 days ago)     [bovine] Stormwing: that you said that 

 (4 days ago)     [bovine] Mink: hey would it be possible to make a
auction catcher when people write "auc something 4" then it detects
that the 3rd is a number and then does not send it to the channel and
responds to sender. type tye full word auciton to blabla.. and if you
want to send the message resend it  again.. 

 (4 days ago)     [bovine] Ax: so I'm curious about something. I've
noticed that sometimes, certain fame for certain areas are not in the
actual area, but rather in nearby areas. I'm not trying to criticise
the way the game works, but I would think that fame for an area should
be ristricted to that area.

 (4 days ago)     [bovine] Lokar: for the most part they are restricted
to the area they are in, the ones that are outside an area are
typically weird ones like the alter in the wilderness of zin, or mobs
that wander but aren't restricted to staying inside their zone

 (4 days ago)     [bovine] Ax: I see. Some examples I can think of are
the murlock swamp and the great southern road.

 (4 days ago)     [bovine] Lokar: the murlock swamp is literally what I
was talking about with the alter

 (4 days ago)     [bovine] Ax: oh

 (4 days ago)     [bovine] Torax: Heh, it did kind of trip me out when
I first saw it

 (4 days ago)     [bovine] Lokar: and iirc the southern road ones are
similar in that they use special things in special places to load them.
Those exceptions are relatively rare. 99% of all fame mobs are directly
in the zone they are from. I dont disagree that its a little confusing
and annoying to find them, but as long as its the exception and not
happening everywhere I don't really see it as a problem if it's being
done for some special reason IE area design stuff)

 (4 days ago)     [bovine] Ax: I see

 (4 days ago)     [bovine] Lokar: trust me it used to be WAY WAY worse,
there used to be almost no standards to this stuff and you could find
fame for areas on the other side of the world (sometimes not an
exageration) A lot of effort was put in to clearning things up a lot of
years ago. 

 (4 days ago)     [bovine] Ax: that must have been before I started

 (4 days ago)     [bovine] Lokar: or before you cared much about fame.
I don't really remember when exactly it happened. It happened durring
one of my first big fame pushes and as a result of me getting annoyed
that it turned out fame from glade and jokerin and a couple other
places were far removed from the areas themselves. Which only became
discovered when we started getting fame on where heh

 (4 days ago)     [bovine] Lokar: back before there was a limit of 6
fame per zone

 (4 days ago)     [bovine] Ax: yeah it sounds like it wa a lot worse
back then. I remember for the great southern road fame, I think there
were some wardstones yuou had to use wardbreaker on in order to access
the fame

 (4 days ago)     [bovine] Lokar: that sounds right yeah, that would be
a case of a building design/special method of loading the mob I

 (3 days ago)     [bovine] Pierre: replay 50 

 (3 days ago)     [bovine] Allison: play-re

 (3 days ago)     [bovine] Firefury: hey guys, is it normal that i
can?t solo the kingdom of coockien at level 39 warrior and 35 thief?

 (3 days ago)     [bovine] Sport: yes. he and area is a bit rough 

 (3 days ago)     [bovine] Lokar: you're level 34, trying to solo a
group 4 area above your level

 (3 days ago)     [bovine] Lokar: you tell me?

 (3 days ago)     [bovine] Firefury: i mean on skyfalcon

 (3 days ago)     [bovine] Firefury: skyfalcon level 39 war and tot 163

 (3 days ago)     [bovine] Lokar: if you're tot 161 and on a high level
thief warrior it is not normal no, as per usual, as I've told you in
the past, use your utility skills

 (3 days ago)     [bovine] Lokar: but also based on what you told me
about how you gear (or rather dont gear) firefury you also probably
need better gear too

 (3 days ago)     [bovine] Sport: he is sanced. if you cannot dispel it
then he is  tough

 (3 days ago)     [bovine] Lokar: he didnt say kookien himself, but the

 (3 days ago)     [bovine] Sport: area can be rough. they do swarm. so
pick your fights

 (3 days ago)     [bovine] Lokar: right, but thief warrior excells at
picking and choosing its fights

 (3 days ago)     [bovine] Lokar: with both stealthy and roar

 (3 days ago)     [bovine] Lokar: if he's struggling its cause he's
running face first in to things and not thinking it through

 (3 days ago)     [bovine] Lokar: stealthy and roar to single out mobs,
backstab to burst down a huge chunk of health before actually fighting
them head on, ez ez ez

 (3 days ago)     [bovine] Firefury: oh ok

 (3 days ago)     [bovine] Firefury: and as a war druid? boneman

 (3 days ago)     [bovine] Lokar: wat?

 (3 days ago)     [bovine] Lokar: I mean I guess

 (3 days ago)     [bovine] Firefury: as a war druid to solo there 

 (3 days ago)     [bovine] Lokar: although if you got swarmed it might
still be rought, and druid call thunder isnt nearly as good as roar

 (3 days ago)     [bovine] Elfie: omw that's very true, roar is way

 (3 days ago)     [bovine] Shermanator: just remember one thing
firefury. since each person has their own play style what works for one
person may not for another. you just have to try and see what works for

 (3 days ago)     [bovine] Firefury: but in that case u will go druid?
or war

 (3 days ago)     [bovine] Lokar: nothing works for him

 (3 days ago)     [bovine] Lokar: I mean have you seen the character I
play on and solo with the most? Take a wild guess what I'd do

 (3 days ago)     [bovine] Firefury: i will need to test

 (2 days ago)     [bovine] Cornish: smile 

 (2 days ago)     [bovine] Cornish: mine was simmler if at first you
dont succeed go find somthing better to do with your time

 (2 days ago)     [bovine] Morpheus: hee

 (2 days ago)     [bovine] Torax: Raa, just saw a notification on some
ai program that codes video games.

 (1 day ago)      [bovine] Allison: wow haha. soulstone job givers will
now tell you where the soul comes from

 (1 day ago)      [bovine] Runner: how so?

 (1 day ago)      [bovine] Runner: or maybe it's only with new souls?

 (1 day ago)      [bovine] Allison: a nekomusume tells you, 'Ooh, a
stone camel inside, interesting! Yet I need 25 more levels of

 (1 day ago)      [bovine] Runner: oh wow

 (1 day ago)      [bovine] Runner: that's both cool and creepy

 (1 day ago)      [bovine] Allison: nod. I forged one and naturally
that didn't work. though that would be funny. you forge a black, give
it and it just rattles off every mob that is part of that soul

 (1 day ago)      [bovine] Runner: that would be nuts

 (1 day ago)      [bovine] Runner: shatter also doesn't give you names
I think

 (1 day ago)      [bovine] Runner: (which you should be using)

 (1 day ago)      [bovine] Allison: why? To save on levels?

 (1 day ago)      [bovine] Runner: yeah

 (1 day ago)      [bovine] Allison: I just do them for the task if it
requires it, I don't usually give souls. I have way too many

 (1 day ago)      [bovine] Val: why is the score screen telling me I'm
not affected by any conditions when I'm poisioned and have two curses
on me?

 (1 day ago)      [bovine] Val: i dunno what the intention of that line
is but it seems misleading

 (1 day ago)      [bovine] Val: spellsave doesn't reduce the _damage_
of spells, correct?

 (1 day ago)      [bovine] Lychee: hello, i was wondering if anyone
uses the alter aeon launcher on a mac? i'm having trouble opening a
second window client to transfer items to an alt i just made

 (1 day ago)      [bovine] Eggweard: open a terminal window, type the
command open -n -a followed by the name of the alter aeon app.

 (1 day ago)      [bovine] Lychee: holyyy tysm!!

 (1 day ago)      [bovine] Lychee: it worked

 (1 day ago)      [bovine] Eggweard: welcome :D

 (1 day ago)      [bovine] Kenta: eggy is usually pretty handy. :)

 (1 day ago)      [bovine] Eggweard: handsy?!

 (1 day ago)      [bovine] Eggweard: oh. handy.

 (1 day ago)      [bovine] Kenta: ROFL

 (1 day ago)      [bovine] Mercedes: when you consider and use demon
lore skill, it doesnt improve somehow is it broken or

 (1 day ago)      [bovine] Lokar: I went and considered a demon like 10
times, cause I'm actually pretty bad at most lores at the moment

 (1 day ago)      [bovine] Lokar: care to guess what I got better at
twice after considering a single demon 10 times?

 (1 day ago)      [bovine] Lokar: and just got better at it again

 (1 day ago)      [bovine] Zipster: my guess is create water? am i

 (1 day ago)      [bovine] Lokar: dang you're good!

 (1 day ago)      [bovine] Lokar: and there's another. So yeah demon
lore isn't broken, you can definitely get better ats.

 (1 day ago)      [bovine] Lokar: aaaaaand again. Anyways done spamming
consider on a random demon on the demon plane, its kinda boring. It
does look like I need to put a lot of work in to my lores again though.
I guess I dont spend a ton of time considering stuff anymore and lots
of foutaining has degraded the skills

 (1 day ago)      [bovine] Ivey: lores is good xp 

 (1 day ago)      [bovine] Valront: yeah, last time I perfected them by
finding mobs with multiple mob types and following them and kinda
steadily repeating the command (not to fast cause of spam thwack) and
just watched shows while regularly hitting enter. I'll probably do it
again since my lores seem to need improving again. Pretty much all of
them except the default monster lore and for some reason dragon heh

 (1 day ago)      [bovine] Valront: will have to get to it later
though, trying to actually work on building right now

 (1 day ago)      [bovine] Ivey: oo are you building me that super eq i
have been mudmailing you about

 (1 day ago)      [bovine] Ivey: i need it right now

 (1 day ago)      [bovine] Valront: unfortunately the mud won't let me
build the 67/67/67 warr skill 12 gloves you requested, I'm sorry 

 (16 hours ago)   [bovine] Logic: is there a way to remove scorch?

 (16 hours ago)   [bovine] Morpheus: scorch form what?

 (16 hours ago)   [bovine] Morpheus: from

 (16 hours ago)   [bovine] Logic: a debuff 

 (16 hours ago)   [bovine] Morpheus: try casting  fire shield. 

 (16 hours ago)   [bovine] Logic: ty

 (6 hours ago)    [bovine] Pickles: are the shamrocks being counted
yet? I have so far found 3 and none have  shown up on show... says I
have never done that

 (5 hours ago)    [bovine] Val: it appears that my current max wisdom
is 31 from a base of 23

 (5 hours ago)    [bovine] Val: is that going to be consistent as it
gets higher? Like do I need 25 base to get 33?

 (5 hours ago)    [bovine] Shryth: yes

 (5 hours ago)    [bovine] Kenta: sounds like you might have some
things that have that particular buff on them.

 (5 hours ago)    [bovine] Shryth: int and wis seem to cap at +8

 (5 hours ago)    [bovine] Val: I thought that, but my int can go to +9
since I hit 38 mage

 (5 hours ago)    [bovine] Shryth: mage's primary stat is also int

 (5 hours ago)    [bovine] Shryth: but hmm, yeah

 (5 hours ago)    [bovine] Shryth: consistency would be nice, lol

 (5 hours ago)    [bovine] Val: nod I know it's tied to class levels
somehow, I'm just not sure how it works when cleric is so far below my
max ones

 (5 hours ago)    [bovine] Peka: god man sharpness for regen has
revolutionized noobie running

 (5 hours ago)    [bovine] Peka: IMHO best chang ein the last 5 years

 (2 hours ago)    [bovine] Draak: you're a bad girl, get down

 (2 hours ago)    [bovine] Draak: is Draak a) talking to a girl in a
club or b) telling his cat to get off the counter

 (2 hours ago)    [bovine] Pickles: I thought youw ere telling me to

 (2 hours ago)    [bovine] Eggweard: talking to a cat girl on a club

 (2 hours ago)    [bovine] Pickles: lol


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