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Alter Aeon Player Channel 'Newbie'

The content of player-controlled channels may not be moderated and
does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the administrative staff.
Further, it is not filtered for either content or profanity, and may
not be suitable for children.  Browse at your own risk.

Creation Date: Sat Nov  3 18:37:36 2001
Channel Name:  newbie

(note - most recent messages are displayed at the bottom)
 (4 days ago)     Viperos newbies, 'and as for other weapons and eq,
you'll probably want to concentrate on equiping for your main class at
the moment and not worrying too much about damage from your second,
mage is quite versatile, you might eventually want to collect eq for
your second class for the creation of minions or debuffing spells in
cleric but that won't be for a long while by the look of your current

 (4 days ago)     Lavendermoon newbies, 'what is the language I need to
use to go to a waypoint? Thank you.'

 (4 days ago)     Viperos newbies, 'type recall'

 (4 days ago)     Lavendermoon newbies, 'thank you!'

 (4 days ago)     Viperos newbies, 'use the command, waypoint <waypoint
name> to go from one waypoint to another you have previously prayed

 (4 days ago)     Lavendermoon newbies, 'how can I set a waypoint
without making it my primary recall? Thanks again!'

 (4 days ago)     Viperos newbies, 'you will always recall to the
waypoint you most recently prayed at or waypointed to.'

 (4 days ago)     Lavendermoon newbies, 'OK I understand now thank you
very much! you were my Obi-Wan Kenobi!'

 (4 days ago)     Viperos newbies, 'heh most welcome, good luck.'

 (4 days ago)     Lavendermoon newbies, 'do I find the staff in a
purchase cave? It?s I?m still a newbie.'

 (3 days ago)     Covax newbies, 'does anyone know where to find Mensai
in Indira?'

 (3 days ago)     Electra newbies, 'should be all north of the

 (3 days ago)     Covax newbies, 'thats embarassing'

 (3 days ago)     Electra newbies, 'lol np'

 (3 days ago)     Covax newbies, 'I looked everywhere for that guy!'

 (3 days ago)     Covax newbies, 'except all north of course'

 (3 days ago)     Zalong newbies, 'at Winnowing Hall, how can I pass
trough the row of stalagmites?'

 (3 days ago)     Lychee newbies, 'if i fight by constantly casting
spells, do i care about the dmg that my weapon has?'

 (3 days ago)     Pickles newbies, 'not really'

 (3 days ago)     Lychee newbies, 'so spell dmg mainly comes from stats
and proficiency?'

 (3 days ago)     Pickles newbies, 'as a mage, concentrate on your mage
cast level, or what you will see abbreviated as MCL'

 (3 days ago)     Lychee newbies, 'okkk tysm'

 (3 days ago)     Pickles newbies, 'lok for that in your equipment as
well... :D'

 (3 days ago)     Pickles newbies, 'look even'

 (3 days ago)     Lychee newbies, 'would you say mcl is more important
or mana regen?'

 (3 days ago)     Pickles newbies, 'look for both when possible'

 (3 days ago)     Lychee newbies, 'got it!'

 (3 days ago)     Pickles newbies, 'the mcl will add power to your
spells, and the mana regen will add vonvenience '

 (3 days ago)     Pickles newbies, 'convenience even... can't type

 (3 days ago)     Lychee newbies, 'haha thanks'

 (3 days ago)     Lychee newbies, 'is buying equipment the most common
way for people to gear up? or will there be actually good drops from

 (3 days ago)     Pickles newbies, 'no, buying eq from shops is only a
way when you can't find it otherwise'

 (3 days ago)     Lychee newbies, 'alright thanks'

 (3 days ago)     Pickles newbies, 'otherwise, the best way is by
killing things and taking their eq'

 (3 days ago)     Pickles newbies, 'and later on, crafting eq is a
really really great way to customize good equipment'

 (3 days ago)     Lychee newbies, 'ooooh ok, can any class craft?'

 (3 days ago)     Pickles newbies, 'yes'

 (3 days ago)     Pickles newbies, 'and learning all the different
styles and advantages of those styles to crafting is so complicated and
so rewarding... it's a game within itself'

 (3 days ago)     Lychee newbies, 'also, is it possible for me to
transfer items to future characters i create? so i can save a good
artifact for another class or smthng'

 (3 days ago)     Lokar newbies, 'so long as the equipment isnt
character bound, yes'

 (3 days ago)     Pickles newbies, 'yes, you can'

 (3 days ago)     Lokar newbies, 'we even have account bound equipment
specifically to facilitate just that'

 (3 days ago)     Lychee newbies, 'can you tell me the help command for

 (3 days ago)     Pickles newbies, 'which in particular'

 (3 days ago)     Lychee newbies, 'transferring equipment between

 (3 days ago)     Pickles newbies, 'hm, perhaps I'm no quite clear as
to what you want to know'

 (3 days ago)     Lychee newbies, 'it's ok, i'll just save up good eq
for other classes for now and figure it out when i acc create a new
character later :D'

 (3 days ago)     Trash newbies, 'just log both characters in and
transfer the items'

 (3 days ago)     Lychee newbies, 'would you reccomend spending
practices on stats early game? i've been blowing them all on learning

 (3 days ago)     Pickles newbies, 'you will have time for stats... it
is probably best for now to get spells'

 (3 days ago)     Lychee newbies, 'okkk'

 (3 days ago)     Pickles newbies, 'stats are very important, don't get
me wrong... but getting your basic spells in the beginning will help
more so you can raise your stats later :D'

 (3 days ago)     Julia newbies, 'wuestion'

 (3 days ago)     Julia newbies, 'question'

 (3 days ago)     Lavendermoon newbies, 'any tips on fishing I am new
and I press tag and I catch it and then I don?t know. I seem to lose
the fish after that help me Obi-Wan! Thank you!'

 (2 days ago)     Wack newbies, 'when a warrior combo says x bar kick
what does it mean ?'

 (2 days ago)     Eggweard newbies, 'that means that there is a move
before the kick in the combo, you just have not discovered what it is

 (2 days ago)     Eggweard newbies, 'try stomp, then kick, or thrust
then kick.'

 (2 days ago)     Eggweard newbies, 'try lots of moves with kicks in
between until you find what the missing move is.'

 (2 days ago)     Wack newbies, 'its a 5 step combo with kick at the
end. :D'

 (2 days ago)     Wack newbies, 'thank you :)'

 (2 days ago)     Covax newbies, 'any tips on how to find a mob for a

 (2 days ago)     Covax newbies, 'do i use the convert command to
select my first diety?'

 (2 days ago)     Dori newbies, 'correct, but have stuff to sacrifice
to deity before converting.'

 (2 days ago)     Dori newbies, 'it takes quite a lot of stuff to get
officially converted.'

 (2 days ago)     Covax newbies, 'ill come back to that lol'

 (2 days ago)     Covax newbies, 'is there a way to compare the damage
of different spells?'

 (2 days ago)     Covax newbies, 'im trying to figure out if i should
learn magic missile'

 (2 days ago)     Lychee newbies, 'is there a potion that restores

 (2 days ago)     Eggweard newbies, 'those are called restoration

 (2 days ago)     Covax newbies, 'damn i got rid of those because i
thought it was for mv'

 (2 days ago)     Covax newbies, 'is there a way to see a list of class
skills by level?'

 (2 days ago)     Lychee newbies, 'is it reccomended to convert to a
god early on? can you switch gods evenetually?'

 (2 days ago)     Eggweard newbies, 'yes, and yes'

 (2 days ago)     Diemar newbies, 'How do I channel cast scorch? When I
ccast scorch, it says I don't know how to incorporate runeword

 (2 days ago)     Pickles newbies, 'scorch is not a rune'

 (2 days ago)     Eggweard newbies, 'you need to add the name of the
rune before scorch'

 (2 days ago)     Eggweard newbies, 'like "channelcast ort scorch"'

 (2 days ago)     Eggweard newbies, 'rune list will get you a big long
list of runes'

 (2 days ago)     Diemar newbies, 'Oh.. wish help file for fire focus
would have proper syntax.. Thank you!'

 (2 days ago)     Eggweard newbies, 'thats... yeah, thats incorrect.'

 (2 days ago)     Torax newbies, 'wow, holy crow.'

 (2 days ago)     Eggweard newbies, 'in the meanwhile, read help

 (2 days ago)     Eggweard newbies, 'it has the correct syntax and some
good starting runes to try'

 (2 days ago)     Diemar newbies, 'Aha.. that's a proper one, indeed.
Thank you!'

 (2 days ago)     Lychee newbies, 'i converted to a god called Heart
and it seems he doesn't accept corpses... will that be a problem for
earning gold going forward?'

 (2 days ago)     Eggweard newbies, 'no, I dont think so'

 (2 days ago)     Pickles newbies, 'and if you find it a problem, you
can always convert to a new god whenever you wish'

 (2 days ago)     Lychee newbies, 'ok thanks'

 (2 days ago)     Lychee newbies, 'does anyone know if carve
totem/carve weapon from druid skill can create mage cast level items?'

 (2 days ago)     Lychee newbies, 'is there any way we can find the npc
that gives the quests on quest nearby? '

 (2 days ago)     Cassidy newbies, 'do i need to learn sickening touch
if i already have foulblood?'

 (2 days ago)     Lychee newbies, 'do i need underwater breathing to
reach the pleiad islands in korden?'

 (1 day ago)      Cassidy newbies, 'does bone dagger pair well with
thief skills?'

 (1 day ago)      Val newbies, 'bone dagger?'

 (1 day ago)      Cassidy newbies, 'the necro spell'

 (1 day ago)      Virgo newbies, 'i think thats bone blade, and those
are swords.'

 (1 day ago)      Val newbies, 'in general, any weapon that doesn't
explicitly say it doesn't work with backstab and stuff like that should
be fine for thief skills'

 (1 day ago)      Val newbies, 'although you generally need a weapon
with a point for a lot of thief skills, so not a mace or something'

 (1 day ago)      Morpheus newbies, 'your better thief weapons will be
loading area weapons not ones you create. at least not at your level.'

 (1 day ago)      Cassidy newbies, 'thanks for the info. this kinda
kills the idea i had though'

 (1 day ago)      Val newbies, 'like sneaking around and conjuring your
weapon? I would say in general, the weapons you find are better than
the ones you can create through spells like that'

 (1 day ago)      Val newbies, 'although you should experiment with
specific spells at any given level, that's not always true depending on
what you've found while exploring'

 (1 day ago)      Morpheus newbies, 'and in general necros don't sneak

 (1 day ago)      Val newbies, 'nod, it's hard to sneak around with
minions, they draw a lot of attention'

 (1 day ago)      Cassidy newbies, 'my hope was that if i was sneaking
the minions would draw aggro when I walked in'

 (1 day ago)      Morpheus newbies, 'just ahve higher chr'

 (1 day ago)      Val newbies, 'ah yeah, they'll kind of do that by
default, you don't need to be a thief for that'

 (1 day ago)      Morpheus newbies, 'mobs will mostly always get
attacked first as long as their uglier.. which if the mobs in a fight
you can't bs them either.'

 (1 day ago)      Cassidy newbies, 'i think im going to remake my

 (1 day ago)      Val newbies, 'look at help 1.reset'

 (1 day ago)      Val newbies, 'there's a command when you log in
that'll let you start over without losing everything'

 (1 day ago)      Cassidy newbies, 'thank you for all the help'

 (1 day ago)      Dori newbies, 'you'll likely be too weak to carry
everything but sincee you start at waypoint 2 you may be able to enter
storage and remove everything you are wearing and drop it all in your
locker for use later.'

 (1 day ago)      Morpheus newbies, 'pointless'

 (1 day ago)      Cassidy newbies, 'im only level 10'

 (1 day ago)      Morpheus newbies, 'the eq is so common there no point
to saving it.'

 (1 day ago)      Cassidy newbies, 'does bone shield create a shield
item or is it a buff?'

 (1 day ago)      Morpheus newbies, 'item'

 (1 day ago)      Cassidy newbies, 'thx'

 (1 day ago)      Knoel newbies, 'it creates a physical, bone shield. '

 (1 day ago)      Cassidy newbies, 'practice wood woad'

 (1 day ago)      Cassidy newbies, 'whoops'

 (1 day ago)      Beardevil newbies, 'it happens'

 (1 day ago)      Cassidy newbies, 'is your third class choice mostly
for stats?'

 (1 day ago)      Morpheus newbies, 'no'

 (1 day ago)      Morpheus newbies, 'in the end  if you reach max level
which is currenyl  40 40 40 38 32 26.'

 (1 day ago)      Morpheus newbies, 'so your fourth class can reach max
level as well.'

 (1 day ago)      Lychee newbies, 'how can i locate where to start a
quest that's listed in quest nearby? i talked to every npc in town but
couldn't find any of the three quests'

 (1 day ago)      Badkitty newbies, 'what quest are you looking for'

 (1 day ago)      Draak newbies, 'quest nearby <number> sometimes has
additional details'

 (1 day ago)      Lychee newbies, 'i'm looking for "extricated the
gnomian slaves from the caves of the moles","recovered and restored the
champion's helm", and "investigated the mysterious attack on the

 (1 day ago)      Lychee newbies, 'i tried quest nearby <num> and it
doesn't say the starting point, and i've talked to every npc in gnomian
village '

 (1 day ago)      Badkitty newbies, 'what about the mayor'

 (1 day ago)      Lychee newbies, 'he doesn't give it either...'

 (1 day ago)      Lychee newbies, 'says he doesn't respond'

 (1 day ago)      Badkitty newbies, 'for some npc's, you have to type
quest list... that might help'

 (1 day ago)      Badkitty newbies, 'or, type quest and it will show
you a list of the quests you are on... maybe you have already spoken to
the right NPC but missed his statement'

 (1 day ago)      Lychee newbies, 'ohhh i see the quest names are
different in quest nearby and quest i already accepted'

 (1 day ago)      Lychee newbies, 'omg sorry abt that i had no idea'

 (1 day ago)      Badkitty newbies, 'no problem :D'

 (1 day ago)      Cassidy newbies, 'i cant tell if my bone guardian did
dmg when it exploded or I took damage from trying to blood sacrifice my
own corpse lol'

 (1 day ago)      Jadis newbies, 'rofl'

 (1 day ago)      Jadis newbies, 'I love necro'

 (1 day ago)      Cassidy newbies, 'does the bone equipment you create
function as a backup for your gear if you die?'

 (1 day ago)      Cassidy newbies, 'or does it get good once you're
leveled up?'

 (1 day ago)      Jadis newbies, 'you mean like blades and stuff?'

 (1 day ago)      Mellodia newbies, 'no, you keep your eq '

 (1 day ago)      Cassidy newbies, 'sounds like it isn't worth getting'

 (1 day ago)      Morpheus newbies, 'Cassidy bone armor and the like at
higher level can be bound with a soul giving it necrocast as well as
decent ac and breath save which is vital when facing  most creatures
that breathe.. Most any high level necromancer uses it.'

 (1 day ago)      Lychee newbies, 'what's the diff between player and
account bound items?'

 (1 day ago)      Aariana newbies, 'account bound item is   for any
char   that belong to the account it bound to   to use.'

 (1 day ago)      Aariana newbies, 'char bound,  only that char can use
the item.'

 (1 day ago)      Aira newbies, 'account bound is for more then one
player and a player account is for only one player'

 (1 day ago)      Lychee newbies, 'how can i transfer my items to my
alt account? is it just trade?'

 (1 day ago)      Lychee newbies, 'do i have to use a second computer
to multiplay? '

 (1 day ago)      Lychee newbies, 'list'

 (1 day ago)      Lychee newbies, 'can anyone tell me how to login with
two chars so that i can transfer items to an alt? '

 (1 day ago)      Eggweard newbies, 'just open another client window
and log in as normal'

 (1 day ago)      Eggweard newbies, 'read help multiplay to be sure you
know the things not to do.'

 (1 day ago)      Lychee newbies, 'do i have to download another
program to open another client on a mac? i'm so sorry my alter aeon
launcher doesn't have another client window option T_T'

 (1 day ago)      Aariana newbies, 'run open it it a second window'

 (1 day ago)      Eggweard newbies, 'not sure how it works on a mac. on
a windows computer you can simply open a second window by running the
client exe again.'

 (1 day ago)      Lychee newbies, 'im useing the alter aeon launcher on
my mac and i can't open in a second window :/'

 (1 day ago)      Lychee newbies, 'welppp guess no trading for me'

 (1 day ago)      Eggweard newbies, 'can macs run two of the same
program at the same time?'

 (1 day ago)      Pickles newbies, 'there is a channel called zt where
folks are very knowledgale about mush z and such... perhaps you can
connect to zt and ask there'

 (1 day ago)      Eggweard newbies, 'you probably can with a terminal

 (1 day ago)      Pickles newbies, 'knowledgable'

 (1 day ago)      Eggweard newbies, 'they are using the AA client, not
mush Z'

 (1 day ago)      Pickles newbies, 'oh oops'

 (1 day ago)      Pickles newbies, 'nevermind :D'

 (1 day ago)      Lychee newbies, 'i'm gonna ask chatgpt'

 (1 day ago)      Eggweard newbies, 'you might get more help on the
bovine channel.'

 (1 day ago)      Jadis newbies, 'I hate this stupid outpost'

 (1 day ago)      Eggweard newbies, 'full of vampires?'

 (1 day ago)      Jadis newbies, 'can't find the damn place. lol'

 (1 day ago)      Jadis newbies, 'I found it once and then had to
leave. blah'

 (1 day ago)      Jadis newbies, 'and movement is bad in the forest.

 (1 day ago)      Jadis newbies, 'this iago guy, I've looked all over
the lost outpost. any clue where he is?'

 (1 day ago)      Aariana newbies, 'you should ask that on quest info'

 (1 day ago)      Xzibit newbies, 'Please do not discourage or
otherwise brush off newbies for asking questions on this channel.'

 (1 day ago)      Jadis newbies, 'I tried the other channel too,
hopefuly someone will help'

 (1 day ago)      Jadis newbies, 'I've searched and searched, killed
vampires too who attacked.'

 (1 day ago)      Xzibit newbies, 'It's okay to recommend the questinfo
channel as a useful alternative, but please at least provide some sort
of constructive answer to the question at hand if you can.'

 (1 day ago)      Draak newbies, 'yes'

 (1 day ago)      Draak newbies, 'do know how to use the 'where'
command, Jadis?'

 (1 day ago)      Jadis newbies, 'yep. I think I figured it out'

 (1 day ago)      Jadis newbies, 'thanks lots'

 (1 day ago)      Jadis newbies, 'I'm going to look for this vampire
mage, the room he's in, I'll search and stuff'

 (1 day ago)      Draak newbies, 'good hunting'

 (1 day ago)      Jadis newbies, 'he attacked me earlier so I think I
can find him'

 (1 day ago)      Aariana newbies, 'it's strange that I can't see what
is for sell in the  shop on top of   vemarkin waypoint. but my friend

 (1 day ago)      Lilmike newbies, 'if your level is  too low to use
any of the items you'll need to list -all'

 (1 day ago)      Lokar newbies, 'if you dont meet the requirements to
use things they wont show up when listing unless you list all'

 (1 day ago)      Aariana newbies, 'even list all   doesn't show it.'

 (1 day ago)      Lilmike newbies, 'it's list dash all'

 (1 day ago)      Lilmike newbies, 'list, ,space, dash, all'

 (1 day ago)      Aariana newbies, 'Sorry, there is nothing available
for sale here right now.'

 (1 day ago)      Aariana newbies, 'and I'm level 13'

 (1 day ago)      Xeanock newbies, 'There's a ton of stuff up there,
more than I've ever seen.'

 (1 day ago)      Jadis newbies, 'this door with the mage, does a thief
need to pick it?'

 (1 day ago)      Aariana newbies, 'no, anyone can pick it.'

 (1 day ago)      Jadis newbies, 'neat, let me try'

 (1 day ago)      Lilmike newbies, 'you can pick even if you don't know
the skill, it'll just take longer'

 (1 day ago)      Aariana newbies, 'still  can't see it.'

 (1 day ago)      Jadis newbies, 'yay!!! it workde!! thanks'

 (1 day ago)      Medekas newbies, 'Hello'

 (1 day ago)      Draak newbies, 'hi'

 (1 day ago)      Jadis newbies, 'hi'

 (1 day ago)      Medekas newbies, 'I liked this game'

 (1 day ago)      Pickles newbies, 'it likes you'

 (1 day ago)      Jadis newbies, 'I wish necro warriors could be a
thing. lol'

 (1 day ago)      Pickles newbies, 'why can't they be a thing'

 (1 day ago)      Jadis newbies, 'well they can, it would probably take
time to build a decent one.'

 (1 day ago)      Jadis newbies, 'lol'

 (1 day ago)      Jadis newbies, 'this dragon quest hurts, it's so fun

 (1 day ago)      Lychee newbies, 'the maps on the alter aeon website
are not very complete, is there a way to view or buy a map in the

 (11 hours ago)   Cassidy newbies, 'is there a way to see what town a
quest is in? quest extra didn't give me muc to work with'

 (11 hours ago)   Eggweard newbies, 'which quest is it?'

 (11 hours ago)   Cassidy newbies, 'a shrew stole the key to the
donation box'

 (11 hours ago)   Eggweard newbies, 'hildabrad I think'

 (11 hours ago)   Cassidy newbies, 'that sounds right. That's what I
get for sleeping between sessions lol'

 (11 hours ago)   Dori newbies, 'hildebrad for sure, and you go into a
house after the shrew.'

 (8 hours ago)    Cassidy newbies, 'my quest says to use the 'gather
root' command, but the game doesn't like that syntax'

 (6 hours ago)    Cassidy newbies, 'how do i know when its time for me
to start training my stats?'

 (6 hours ago)    Medekas newbies, '-force wield torch doesn't work.
what is the right command?'

 (6 hours ago)    Pickles newbies, 'you cannot wield a torch, try
holding it'

 (6 hours ago)    Cassidy newbies, 'i thought torches worked in your

 (6 hours ago)    Medekas newbies, 'I tried that too'

 (6 hours ago)    Pickles newbies, 'use torch perhaps?'

 (6 hours ago)    Pickles newbies, 'or, as was stated, a torch will
work if it is in your inventory :D'

 (6 hours ago)    Medekas newbies, 'I see, ty'

 (6 hours ago)    Cassidy newbies, 'I'm still new enough that I wasn't
sure if that was correct'

 (6 hours ago)    Pickles newbies, 'you are correct :D'

 (2 hours ago)    Subianto newbies, 'why i cannot see the binding flag
when I look items on the ground?'

 (2 hours ago)    Cassidy newbies, 'try 'id <item name>''

 (2 hours ago)    Subianto newbies, 'no its in container on the ground'

 (2 hours ago)    Subianto newbies, 'it doesn't said it's binding or
not on m client side'

 (2 hours ago)    Cassidy newbies, 'if you can't get it from the
container with 'get all con' that means it will bind to you'

 (2 hours ago)    Azranth newbies, 'like for me, it will say like,
gloves of red lotus blossoms (glow) (binding), but not on his side'

 (2 hours ago)    Subianto newbies, 'like this. i see in sarcofagus
there is gloves of red lotus blossoms (glow). but other group member
showing the binding flag'

 (2 hours ago)    Cassidy newbies, 'sorry i can't help more. I'm pretty
new myself'

 (2 hours ago)    Sango newbies, 'what can I do after I've milked the
sheep here?'

 (2 hours ago)    Eggweard newbies, 'drink it? throw it on a guard? '

 (1 hour ago)     Colian newbies, 'Hi, so I'm playing on my iPhone for
the first time and got a message that I got 166 gold? How did I get

 (1 hour ago)     Pickles newbies, 'there are numerous possibilities'

 (1 hour ago)     Pickles newbies, 'it could have been a daily gift, or
it could have been a newbie gift from another player'

 (1 hour ago)     Colian newbies, 'Thanks Pickles. It is quite
different playing on a phone then on a computer. '

 (1 hour ago)     Pickles newbies, 'grins'


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