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Keywords are: 'class necromancer' The necromancer class is a powerful caster, considered by some to be in between the mage and cleric classes. They have slightly more hitpoints than mages but fewer than clerics, and they have more mana than clerics but less than mages. Necromancers have a large number of unusual spells and skills available: - demon lore and summoning/control of demons - undead lore, and raising/control of undead - spirit spells, including dealing with souls and spiritual attacks - blood skills, tapping and using blood to restore vitality and mana - teeth spells, using teeth as powerful spell components - animation spells, creating mindless constructs out of raw materials Necromancers rely heavily on their minions to assist and protect them, and some of their minions can be upgraded to more powerful versions. They have some limited healing abilities, but these always require resources beyond mana. The primary stat for necromancers is intelligence, which is generally two points higher than wisdom for necromancer spells. Equipment effects that are most useful for necromancers are INTELLIGENCE, WISDOM, MANA_REGEN, MANA and NECR_CAST_LEVEL. CHARISMA increases the odds of success for soul stealing. HITPOINTS, HP_REGEN and CONSTITUTION give necromancers increased hitpoints for utitilizing blood magic. A necromancer's primary craft is the creation of undead, a multi-step process involving preservation, infusion with soulstones and animation. They can also transform harvested teeth into tools, armor and weapons, as well as harvest bones, blood and spell components from corpses. Necromancers start with the 'coldfire' and 'clay man' spells.

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