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Search results for 'druid skill brew tonic infusion analyze'
Keywords are: 'druid skill brew tonic infusion analyze'
Skill: brew infusion Lvl 9 Drui (28%)
Group: Druid tonics
brew tonic inventory - use all items in your inventory
brew tonic <object list> - use only specific items
brew tonic analyze - find brews using herbs in inventory
Druid tonics are thin, light brews primarily made with herbs. The
essence of the herb is dissolved into a liquid, typically water, and
is combined with the magic of the brewer to bring out some natural
property. It is said that most of the power of a tonic comes from
the brewer, and that few druids will brew the same tonic given the
same ingredients. The simplest of druid tonics are cold-brewed
concoctions known as infusions.
Rules of infusion brewing:
- only herbs and spell components may be used
- at least one herb must be used
- a herb combination will always give the same result for a brewer
- different brewers will get different results for herb combinations
- spell components can change the level and amount of the tonic,
but do not affect the spells produced by the herbs
- knowing additional tonic brewing skills such as reduce decoction
will increase your odds of success
Brewing infusions is compatible with the 'autobrew' feature.
Infusions brewed in this fashion can be enhanced with the reduce
decoction and reduce tincture skills.