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Search results for 'insult'
Keywords are: 'insult'
insult <mob name> [-force]
insult <obj name>
insult <wear location>
insult <character name>
Insulting a mobile will tell you all the names you may call it by. The
only catch is that you have to know at least one of those names beforehand.
Insulting an object will give you all the names you may call it by, plus
its uuid (see 'help uuid' for more information).
You can also insult wear locations on your body to get the insult for
objects worn there, if any. For example, if you want to insult your
helmet but can't recall the name, 'insult head' will work.
Insulting a player is just that: insulting.
You can insult a mob as if it were a player by using the '-force' tag.
Repeatedly insulting an intelligent mob in this fashion will cause it
to be annoyed with you, if it can see you. Insults can be refined with
the following keywords:
choleric - insult a character's integrity and temperment
melancholic - insult a character's mental faculties and mettle
phlegmatic - insult a character's hygiene and fitness
sanguine - insult a character's sobriety and virtue
The format is as follows:
insult <mob name> <keyword> -force