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Search results for 'necromancer skill crafting bonecrafting'
Keywords are: 'necromancer skill crafting bonecrafting'
Skill: bonecraft Lvl 17 Necr (42%)
(obscure) Requires: harvest bone and woodcraft
Group: Necromancer Undead Skills
bonecraft list
bonecraft check <item>
bonecraft create <item> <bone>
bonecraft create <item> <bone> <player>
bonecraft finish <item>
This skill allows a necromancer to apply their knowledge of woodcraft
and cadavers to craft with harvested bones. Not all woodcrafted items
can be made from bone. The skill is primarily used to produce bone
handles for forged blades, as well as bone clubs, canes and staffs.
There are a small number of items that can be made from bone but not
from wood, such as rings. Bonecrafted objects are made at your
necromancer level, or the necromancer level of the person you
are fashioning an object for, whichever is less. Most bonecrafted
items are necromancer flagged when finished.
Some particularly macabre necromancers enjoy fashioning cups and
other tableware from bones as well.