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Search results for 'necromancer spell wooden woad'
Keywords are: 'necromancer spell wooden woad'
Spell: wood woad Mana: 29 Int: 15 Wis: 13 Lvl 5 Necr (28%)
(critical) Requires: clay man
Group: Necromancer Animation
(Can Be Bloodcast)
c 'wood woad'
c 'wood woad' ground
c 'wood woad' <object on ground>
This necromancer spell forms an animated creature from a large piece
of wood. Most any kind of wood can be used, so long as it is large
enough and doesn't have magical properties that interfere with the
spellcasting. Most necromancers prefer to use pristine wood found
in the wild, often collected with the 'gather' command.
The easiest way to create a wood woad is to 'gather' several pieces
of wood, drop them all in one place, then cast the spell on one of
them. All the pieces will merge together to create your woad.
The wood woad has no intelligence and is largely uncontrollable,
but it will assist the caster in combat and act as a punching bag.
This spell is part of the necromancer 'Animation' skill tree, which
allows the creation of several different types of animated entities.
Each has different strengths and weaknesses, but due to the nature
of the magic you may only control one at a time.
Animated entities such as this require a small amount of mana to
sustain, and may come apart if you run out of mana.
If you bloodcast this spell, the resulting wood woad gains extra
resistance to breath and normal damage, but becomes more vulnerable
to toxic damage.