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Keywords are: 'ores' Typically, when mining for metals one does not come across solid deposits of them. With few exceptions, a metal is usually intermingled with other substances such as sulfur or arsenic that must be burned away in order to extract it. This process is known as smelting. A mineral that yields metal when smelted is referred to as an ore. Common ores on Alter Aeon are: Bornite, chalcopyrite, chalcocite, tenorite, tetrahedrite and malachite, which yield copper. Goethite, hematite, limonite, iron pyrite and siderite which yield iron. Cassiterite and stannite, which yield tin. Anglesite, cerussite and galena which yield lead. Calamine, sphalerite, zincite and zinc spar, which yield zinc. Selenide, which yields selenium. Greenockite, which yields cadmium. Bismite and bismuthinite which yield bismuth. Manganite, psilomelane, pyrolusite and rhodochrosite, which yield manganese. Garnierite, millerite and nickeline, which yield nickel. Cinnabar, which yields mercury. Horn silver, which yields silver. Some ores may yield a small amount of a secondary metal if a large enough quantity is smelted at once. For example, smelting bornite can sometimes yield iron in addition to copper, while smelting galena may produce small amounts of silver. There are numerous other ores that are very rare or can only be found at certain locations. Certain ores can also be for lapidary work, such as malachite and cinnabar.

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