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Search results for 'socketfilter filter pipe |'
Keywords are: 'socketfilter filter pipe |'
The '|' symbol is used to pipe output from a command through one or more socket
filters. An example use of pipes would be:
changes | grep the | wc
This runs the 'recent changes' command, but instead of displaying the
text, the text is piped into the 'grep' filter. Grep only allows
through lines containing the word 'the', then pipes those lines
into the 'wc' filter. 'wc' only counts all the lines, words,
and characters sent to it, and doesn't print anything. When the command
is finished, 'wc' prints the number of lines, words, and
characters that it counted.
In other words, that command gives you a count of the number of lines
in the recent changelog which contain the word 'the'.
While this is a simple example, there are lot of other filters, and you
can do a lot of helpful things with it. These filters are primarily
there to help you with aliases, client side scripting, and to sort
through large amounts of text.
See also 'help socket filter'.