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Search results for 'warrior skill pommel pstrike strike'
Keywords are: 'warrior skill pommel pstrike strike'
Skill: pommel strike Lvl 15 Warr (21%)
(helpful) Requires: parry
Group: Warrior weapon handling
Speed: slow
pommel <target>
pstrike <target>
A 'pommel strike' is when you use the hilt or butt of a weapon instead of
the intended cutting edge or hitting surface. This mid level warrior
skill allows a fighter to unexpectedly use the 'wrong end' of a weapon
to sneak through an opponent's guard and score a hit. A well-executed
pommel strike can leave an opponent momentarily dazed, interfering with
their defenses and lowering their chances to successfully cast spells.
This skill relies heavily on strength and dexterity. It takes both
precision and muscle to quickly and accurately position a weapon for a
proper pommel strike.
Pommel strikes are usually blunt force attacks, and because the hilts
of weapons are typically unenchanted, the attack cannot be used against
ethereal creatures.