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Keywords are: 'editor' There is a built in long description editor with limited facilities. It is automatically engaged after writing a notes, personality, history, etc. unless you have turned off editing with the "noedit" command. Editing commands are: format <width> -- Formats description to given width, default is 76 format <start> <end> -- Formats a block to default width of 76 columns format <start> <end> <width> -- Formats a block of lines to a given width insert <number> -- Inserts a line before line number. append <number> -- Adds a line after line number. delete <number> -- Deletes line number. break <number> -- Breaks a line into sentences. change <number> <string> -- Changes a line to have the contents of <string>. show -- Displays new description with line numbers. show old -- Displays old description. show <low> <hi> -- Displays new description from line <low> to line <hi>. Other commands are: abandon -- Abandons current edit, leaving old description. look -- Displays description as it currently exists. parse -- Parses a command as though you typed it in normally. '@', quit, done, exit -- Sets the description and exits. Certain types of existing descriptions may be edited after being written by appending the word "edit" after the set command. Descriptions may be set to blank by using the BLANK keyword, and may be deleted using the NULL keyword. The use of these keywords is not guaranteed to be standard.

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