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Search results for '5.ppk'
Keywords are: 'obsolete ppk permanent'
For permanent player killing:
pkok <your name> permanent
The word 'permanent' at the end may not be abbreviated.
This flag can not be removed.
The restrictions for permanent player killing are less severe than those for
temporary. It is still illegal to use summon pkill with mobs - do not summon
mobs to your target, or your target to mobs. You may, however, summon your
target to yourself. Pkers, I suggest you have nosummon on, and some saving
spell eq laying around.
To a third (uninvolved) party, the death of a player should be considered
equivalent to the death of a mob - there will be no looting or saccing of
corpses allowed. The corpse and its contents belong to the killer, not you.
Be aware that corpse looting is heavily logged, and if a complaint is brought
against you, you will be caught.
PPKers be warned - as with mob kills, when you die you will lose half of
your experience. Be prepared.
There is a form of a karma system involved to prevent excessive pkilling.
Each pkill will increase your notoriety/karma. At higher and higher levels of
notoriety, there will be various effects. See the help page on karma or
notoriety for details.
There are no level restrictions for permanent pk, other than you must be level
8 to register. Understand that this is very experimental, and many changes
will likely be wrought before the code is stable.