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Keywords are: 'obsolete ppk grudges' (THIS HELP PAGE IS OBSOLETE AND PRESERVED FOR HISTORICAL PURPOSES ONLY) Format: grudge show grudge start <name> grudge stop <name> If you are a permanent player killer, and are killed against your will, you may decide to hold a grudge against your killer. Grudges are a way for ppk players to regulate each other to prevent abuse. Abusive players who collect many grudges will be penalized much more heavily for killing players without grudges. As an example, let us take two arbitrary 90 total level ppk characters, Joe and Bob. Joe is a twit, and repeatedly slays low level characters because they aren't any risk to him and he likes making life miserable for them. Bob pretty well minds his own business, and only kills other players when really pushed. Suppose Joe kills Bob. Joe has a lot of grudges, Bob has none - so Joe finds himself with 10000 karma (the max) from that single kill. Suppose further that Bob kills Joe. Since lots of people hold grudges against Joe, Bob gets off practically scot free, with perhaps 100 karma from the kill. Now let's add another player, Joe's friend Larry. Larry is like Joe, and also has a lot of grudges against him. Joe kills Larry, but since they both have about the same number of grudges, Joe gets the default amount of karma for the kill, or about 1000. Larry gets the same if he kills Joe. You may start a grudge at any time within ten ticks of being slain, and may stop a grudge at any time. The 'grudge show' command will show your status. You may only hold a grudge against two people at a time. If you hold a grudge against someone, they will not know unless you tell them. There is no way to find out who has grudges against you.

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