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Click here to view a random selection from the help system. Click here to return to the main help index. Search results for 'brew warpaint'
Keywords are: 'warrior skill brewing warpaints paints' Skill: brew warpaint Lvl 23 Warr (28%) (helpful) Requires: valor Group: Barbarian blood skills Profession Format: brew warpaint inventory brew warpaint <object list> The 'brew warpaint' skill is used by warriors to create non-magical pastes that can be smeared on their bodies to create a variety of minor effects. Much like potions or salves, warpaints are brewed from herbs and spellcomps. At least half of the ingredients must be herbs, and they cannot contain any food. The type of warpaint you create depends on the flavor of the ingredients used to make it: bloodlust: while berserking, you regenerate a small number of hitpoints each time you deal melee damage. It is brewed from ingredients with a spicy or sharp flavor. resilience: makes you more difficult to daze or stun. The components used to make it taste of mint or pine. staunch: greatly reduces the chance to start bleeding in combat. The components used to make it must be sour. ferocity: your warcry skills, such as taunt, intimidate and roar, become more effective. The ingredients can have any flavor, as long they are not too bland or don't create another warpaint. You can only have one warpaint active at a time, but they stack with salves. They can be removed with a clearskin tonic.

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