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Keywords are: 'immortals administration builders' Most builders on Alter Aeon have limited power. The primary responsibility of builders are to build new areas and improve the game for the players. There are three major classes of builders on Alter Aeon: 1) Low level builders. These builders exist only to build areas, and have virtually no administrative power. They may be able to use avatar commands to take care of minor problems, but in general they can help you in no way whatsoever. 2) World editors. These builders help world builders maintain areas, and have permissions to do some things globally. 2) World builders. These builders are the caretakers of large areas of the game, often combining areas together into a big section of the game. They have the power to temporarily stop most player problems if things get out of hand, and they should be respected and obeyed in the event they take action. There is one admin/GM on Alter Aeon: 1) The creator, Dentin. Dentin has the final say on any player issue, and can modify or reverse the decisions of the builders if necessary. To report bugs in the game, you can send them directly to Dentin using the 'mudmail' command. You may also wish to discuss whether a bug is worth reporting with builders before reporting it. See also 'rules 12.4' for more information about bugs. All builders should in general be polite on public channels, but keep in mind that builders are people too - if you piss them off, they will stop being polite and nice. If you feel like you've been wronged by a builder for any reason, you can send mudmail directly to Dentin to complain.

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