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Keywords are: 'druid skill runes petroglyph scrimshaw firebrand brand' Skill: petroglyph Lvl 22 Drui (28%) (important) Requires: carve runes Group: Druid rune magic Profession Skill: scrimshaw Lvl 15 Drui (28%) (important) Requires: carve runes Group: Druid rune magic Profession Skill: firebrand Lvl 8 Drui (28%) (important) Requires: carve runes Group: Druid rune magic Profession Usage: carve rune <object> - carve a rune into an item These skills expand upon the types of materials you can carve runes into. For adding runes to fleshly materials such as leather, the 'firebrand' skill is required. It is possible to carve on skeletal materials such as bone, shell, ivory and horn by learning the art of 'scrimshaw'. To carve on most types of minerals and earthen materials such as clay or ceramics, you must learn the 'petroglyph' skill. This skill also allows runecarving on certain types of ice. If you know scrimshaw and carve spellstaff, you can make spellstaffs from bone. If you know scrimshaw and carve weapon, you can make cudgels and shillelaghs from bone.

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