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Search results for 'frost bite'
Keywords are: 'mage spell frostbite bite'
Spell: frost bite Mana: 13 Int: 28 Wis: 24 Lvl 23 Mage (28%)
(critical) Requires: icebolt
Group: Mage elemental cold spellgroup
Damage Type: pierce / ice
Damage: high (special, see text)
Speed: slow
cast frost bite <target>
The 'frost bite' spell is a mid level ice spell, and it requires
a much higher level of control than the low level elemental ice spells.
The caster must focus his magic using a staff or cane, and guide it through
the ground toward the target. This requires significant concentration, and
if the end of the staff leaves the ground the spell will fail.
The magic leaves a trail of frost behind as it travels, marking where it
has been and also helping the caster guide the spell. Upon reaching its
destination, large spikes of ice spring from the ground, impaling and
possibly knocking the target over for additional damage. Enemies that
have been chilled by cold spells are easier to knock down.
This spell is much more effective against large targets than small, due
to the way the spikes appear. Targets that are prone or sleeping will be
hit by more spikes and take more damage. Likewise, targets that are
flying above the ground will be hit by fewer spikes and take less damage.
This spell is named after the appearance of the icy spikes that are its
signature trait: they often look like rows of teeth projecting from the
ground beneath a defeated enemy.