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Click here to view a random selection from the help system. Click here to return to the main help index. Search results for 'guilds'
Keywords are: 'guilds guildmasters' Format: guild - shows your guild status guild status - shows your guild status guild list - display publicly known guilds guild advance - try to advance at a guildmaster, or join if you not a member guild list masters <guild> - list guildmasters in a guild guild list skills <guild> - list skills learned in a guild Aside from the major guilds that teach class skills and spells, there are several specialized guilds that cater to various professions. These guilds have ranks instead of levels. How you advance in rank depends on the guild. The more advanced your rank, the more access you have to guild resources. Guilds have various other perks, such as discounts to crafting costs and improved ability to work with materials. Some guilds may also offer to tutor their members in specialized skills. Anything learned in this way does not cost any practices or gold. See 'help guild skill' for more details. The Alchemists, Smiths, Rangers, Scribes and Cartographers are the are the most well-known of these guilds. To advance in a guild, you must be at a guildmaster.

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