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Search results for 'kiltmaker'
Keywords are: 'skill crafting kiltmaking kiltmaker kilt plaid tartan breacan philibeg sporran'
Skill: kiltmaker Lvl 15 Any (85%)
Requires: tailoring
Group: Haberdashers Guild Trade Skills
Guild: The Haberdashers Guild Rank: Journeyman
tailor create kilt <color>
tailor list kilt
Kilts are unusual garments worn in some areas of the world, usually by
men in lieu of pants or leggings. Many claim they originated in the Dunn
Hurr. Historically, they were popular with members of the royal house
of the Rubicon Principality. They can be found today in Wallachia
and the Kingdom of Avalon, where many Rubicon expatriates settled. In
other parts of the world they are associated with druidic traditions.
Kilts are made from extremely long pieces of wool, gathered into pleats
around the back and with two large overlapping flaps in the front,
worn over the hips and thighs of the wearer. Leather sporran belts are
the traditional method of securing a kilt around one's waist. They are
usually made from tartan or plaid patterns that can be found in any
tailoring workshops. By using this command, you purchase 300 gold coins
worth of tartan cloth and create a kilt.
You can use the 'where workshop' command to find tailoring
workshops in cities.
There are many tartans, but they fall into several broad categories.
Use 'tailor list kilt' to see what general colors are available.
The color listed is the predominent hue of the tartan. The tartan
color will be random if no preference is given.