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Keywords are: 'druid spell liveoak oak acorn' Spell: liveoak Mana: 10 Int: 26 Wis: 28 Lvl 28 Drui (28%) (critical) Requires: deadoak Group: Druid plant lore Usage: cast liveoak [acorn] Note - this spell requires bottled sunlight. A liveoak is an enchanted tree powered by sunlight. To create a liveoak, deep runes are carved into the tree, then activated using liquid sunlight from a suncatcher. The tree can be controlled fairly easily and can be an effective force in battle. If there are no trees nearby, it's possible to create a liveoak from an acorn by using additional sunlight to force it to grow prematurely. Note that turning a tree into a liveoak is a death sentence for the tree. It cannot become a normal tree again, and if released the sunlight will consume and destroy it.

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