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Keywords are: 'skill reagent lore affinity' Skill: reagent lore Lvl 19 Any (28%) (helpful) Requires: bottling Group: Decantation Profession Usage: brew check The reagent lore skills allows you to identify what affinities an identified spell component may have by looking at it. You can also use 'brew check' to list all spell components, herbs and food you are carrying. A spell component with an affinity for a particular spell or spell group has a greater chance adding that that spell or a spell from that group to a brewed potion. They can also be used to make ink when scribing scrolls for a particular spell, and making more potent unguents. Spell components with elemental affinities are also used when assembling grenades, for adding resistances to raised undead creatures, certain enchantments and a variety of other purposes.

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