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Keywords are: 'autoflee wimpy flee run whimpy' The 'flee' and 'run' commands are used to end a fight by running away. Sometimes it's the only way to avoid getting killed if a fight is going badly. You won't lose anything by running away. The 'flee' command will work both in battle and outside of battle, while 'run' will only work when you are fighting something. With 'run', you can spam it multiple times and not have to worry about accidentally fleeing back into the room you just fled from. 'wimp' mode is toggled off and on and is an auto-flee set to activate at 1/5 of your hitpoints. You cannot change your wimp level, but it is capable of triggering even while you're lagged (for example after casting or a backstab.) It's a good idea to always have wimp mode turned on.

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