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Keywords are: 'druid skill reduce decoction tincture' Skill: reduce decoction Lvl 16 Drui (28%) (helpful) Requires: brew infusion Group: Druid tonics Profession Skill: reduce tincture Lvl 25 Drui (28%) (helpful) Requires: brew infusion Group: Druid tonics Profession Usage: reduce decoction <liquid container> reduce tincture <liquid container> <alcoholic drink> Druidic infusions are the most basic tonics. Though they can produce powerful effects, they can be further refined using several methods. These include decoctions and tinctures. Decoctions are prepared by heating a tonic over a fire. The process concentrates the tonic. It loses half of its volume, but increases in level. Failed decoctions usually evaporate as the reaction goes out of control. Tinctures are prepared by adding an alcoholic beverage to a tonic. A chemical reaction ensues, and the tonic will typically foam up as gas escapes from it. Tinctures add an invigorating effect to tonics, so when consumed they restore movement and mana. Failed tinctures generally become intoxicating in their own right, and can be consumed just like any alcoholic beverage. Both of these methods of reduction can be repeated, but there are limits to how potent tonics can be made. Likewise, both require the brewer to magically guide the process, and use mana to complete.

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