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Alter Aeon Help Page Search

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Keywords are: 'helpful important critical spells skills usefulness exigency' Most spells and skills are labeled as helpful, important or critical. This designation is relative to a spell or skill's primary class. Critical spells and skills are necessary to get the full benefit a class has to offer. You should learn critical abilities as they become available when you level. Examples include cleric healing spells such as soothe wounds and major heal, warrior power attacks such as leap attack or necromancer animation spells such as clayman. There are no critical spells or skills beyond level 30 for any class. Critical abilities can be learned without a teacher. This does not mean there no abilities worth learning beyond level 30, just that your choice of second and third class will have a greater influence on what skills and spells will work best for you. Important skills and spells supplement critical class features, but can be skipped or learned later as you level or gain practices. Examples would include mage elemental defensive spells or thief ranged attacks. Helpful skills and spells are beneficial, but not necessary to play the class. They range from minor buffs, situational attacks, niche defenses and various utilities. You can use helpful, important and critical as arguments for slist, to sort skills and spells into lists by usefulness. They also work as arguments for the 'check' command. IMPORTANT - these descriptors assume that the spell or skill's class is your primary class. Many critical and important abilities are not as useful if a class is your third or lower. Look up the help pages for spells and skills, and feel free to ask other players for suggestions.

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