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Alter Aeon Online Help

Keywords are:  'groups grouping howto how-to-start-a-group'

Grouping with a friend or other people on Alter Aeon is quick and easy once
you learn a few of the commands.  The basic steps to forming a group are:

1) Pick a leader.

2) Have group members use the 'follow' command to follow the leader. This
allows the leader to take the group with him when he moves.

3) The group leader must add followers to the group using the 'group'
command.  For example, to group the player John, the leader must type
'group john' after John starts following.

That's it!  Once you're in a group, you can use a handful of special
commands for talking to and helping the group.  The most important
commands are:

'gt', short for 'gtell' or group tell, which sends a message to the group.

'rescue', which is used to rescue other group member if they're being
attacked and are in danger.

'group', which is used to check on the status of your group mates.

To leave the group, the leader can either 'disband' the group, or group
members can use the 'follow' command to follow themselves.

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