This is a directory of Alter Aeon help pages, grouped roughly by category. You can browse through each section. For a glossary of commonly used MUD terms, you may want to try our Muds and Mudding Glossary over in our Gaming Articles section. Click here to return to the main help index. 16 - creating and using channels 1 - $ channel send how-to-use-channels 2 - % channels chatting 3 - % channel show list 4 - % channel who 5 - % channel connect listen 6 - % channel key chkey broadcast receive 7 - % channel disconnect 8 - % channel create 9 - % channel password 10 - % channel disclaimer 11 - % channel allow unallow disallow 12 - % channel ban unban 13 - % channel stat 14 - % channel color colour dcolor 15 - % channel flags clanonly 16 - % channel format 17 - moderators moderated 18 - moderator commands 19 - moderated channel disclaimers