Alter Aeon Online Help
Keywords are: '% channel color colour dcolor'
%color <color name>
%color dark <color name>
%color bright <color name>
%dcolor <color name>
%dcolor dark <color name>
%dcolor bright <color name>
The channel 'color' command allows an owner of a channel to change the color
of the channel. Available colors are red, yellow, green, cyan, blue, purple,
white, and default. By default, the channel color is bright/bold. You can
specify that the color be dark/dim by typing 'dark' or 'dim' before the
color. For example:
channel color dark red
%color dim green
%color purple
Anyone can use the 'color' command, but only channel owners can use the
'dcolor' command. 'dcolor' changes the default color of the channel, which
everyone can see.