This is a directory of Alter Aeon help pages, grouped roughly by category. You can browse through each section. For a glossary of commonly used MUD terms, you may want to try our Muds and Mudding Glossary over in our Gaming Articles section. Click here to return to the main help index. 21 - item special effects 1 - absorbfire absorbice absorbzap absorbmagic 2 - armor class ac-apply acapply apply multipliers defense defence 3 - castability ability castlevel cast_level cast_ability clevel level 4 - damage damroll hitroll 5 - saving throws spellsave breathsave poisonsave firesave coldsave zapsave saves resistances 6 - saving throws savingnormal normsave nonormal acidsave normalsave 7 - skilllevel level thief_skill_level warrior_skill_level warr_skill_level warrskill thiefskill 8 - object flag artifact rare unique epic remarkable antique relic exceptional 9 - object mastercraft masterwork wellmade wellcrafted expertlycrafted crafted craft quality 10 - objects randoms uniques epics 11 - object mana regeneration 12 - humming noisy noise 13 - unflag_eligible unflag-eligible 14 - crafting object restring revert rename desc unname unauthorize label 15 - crafting crafts professions 16 - synergy 17 - pluck feathers plumes 18 - object crafting additions upgrades modifications mods studs spikes rims scales guards chains hardware brooches pendants charms gemstones buckles assemble assembly assembling rivet inlay 19 - services 20 - improved