Alter Aeon Online Help
Keywords are: 'restored'
Periodically, gods may restore their followers, or all players in the game.
Players will have their hit points, mana and movement filled, plus have
harmful conditions such as poison, crippling, bleeding, acid, stunning,
and negative morale cleared.
Asking for a restore, via public or private channel, is generally a
fruitless endeavor. Asking repeatedly for a restore may annoy the powers
you are appealing to.
Most of the time when you're restored, you'll be informed via a custom
string for the god, for example:
A man in a rubber suit rampages through Tokyo, destroying cardboard buildings.
Void has restored you to full health!
Shift slips from the shadows.
Shift has restored you to full health!
Dentin has restored you to full health!
Void shows you how to count to four in binary.
Void has restored you to full health!
Players can also purchase restores with the 'credit buy' command.