Alter Aeon Online Help
Keywords are: 'continents sectors'
The world of Alter Aeon is composed of four major continents. They are:
The central continent of Atmir, level 29-39 - A T M I R
The southern continent of Suboria, level 40-41 - S U B O R I A
The northern continent of Ramanek, level 42 - R A M A N E K
The western continent of Gianasi, level 43 - G I A N A S I
There are also three large islands in the far western ocean, collectively
known as the Westering Isles:
The island of Sloe, level 1-10 - S L O E
The island of Kordan, level 11-19 - K O R D A N
The island of Archais, level 20-28 - A R C H A I S
There are numerous other worlds and extraplanar realms to explore, usually
accessible by a portal or another exotic means.