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Alter Aeon Online Help

Keywords are:  'skill crafting forge armor armorsmithing'

Skill: forge armor              Lvl 18  Any  (85%)
                                (helpful)   Requires: jewelrysmithing
                                Group: Smiths Guild Trade Skills
                                Guild: The Smiths Guild  Rank: Adept

forge list armor
forge create <armor>
forge assemble <armor> <composition>

The 'forge armor' skill allows metal ingots to be made into pieces of
wearable armor at forges.

Only certain metals and alloys can be made into armor. Soft metals such
as lead, tin or gold make poor armor. More difficult to work metals like
adamantine will yield a higher ac than softer metals such as brass.

Forged armors are tougher than leather, but are costly to produce and
have less room for improvement and upgrades.  They also tend to be much

Unlike most other kinds of armor, forged armor is assembled from smaller
components such as lames, sheets, rondels and links. The 'forge assemble list
armor' command will list the kinds of armor you know how to assemble. 

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