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Alter Aeon Online Help

Keywords are:  'build cartridges casings gunpowder'

build casing
build cartridge [object]

In order to build casings or cartridges, you must have knowledge of
the 'explosives' and 'firearms proficiency' skills.

'Build casing' spends a miniscule amount of gold to manufacture a paper
casing and wadding suitable for holding the bullet and propellant
necessary for creating a cartridge.  The paper must be carefully shaped
and can tear if one is not careful.

'Build cartridge' arranges the components within a casing to make a
proper cartridge, provided all of the necessary items are present.

To make a cartridge, you must have a bullet, like the bullets used for
slings.  The bullet must be made of a soft metal. Lead is commonly used.

The propellant has three ingredients, all of them spellcomps:

1. Composition CARBON with a fire affinity.

2. A MINERAL with either a fire affinity or a composition of SULFUR,

3. Composition SALT or KALIUM, of any affinity.

A common recipe consists of coal, raw sulfur, and saltpeter.

Put the bullet and 1lb of each ingredient in the casing (for a
total of four items) to complete the cartridge.  You can use the
'split' command to divide spellcomps into smaller portions.

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