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Alter Aeon Online Help

Keywords are:  'warrior skill enrage'

Skill: enrage                   Lvl 24 Warr  (28%)
                                (helpful)   Requires: taunt
                                Group: Warcries
                                Speed: average

enrage [target]

The 'enrage' skill is a group skill used to hold the attention of
particularly large and dangerous creatures.  These creatures often
have the range and power to strike group members at random, and are
occasionally able to kill weaker party members in a single blow.

When an enemy is enraged, it focuses almost entirely on the target of
its rage, sparing weaker party members who may be nearby.  While taunts
are sufficient to direct the attention of smaller enemies, sometimes
only enrage will result in the single minded focus needed.

Enrage and taunt are complementary, and work well together.

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