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Keywords are:  'necromancer spell boneshield shield'

Spell: bone shield              Mana:   8  Int: 14  Wis: 12  Lvl  6 Necr  (28%)
                                (helpful)   Requires: harvest teeth
                                Group: Necromancer Dragontooth Skills

cast bone shield

The necromancer 'bone shield' spell is one of the first of the
necromancer 'teeth' spells, which use teeth as spell focii for
casting.  For bone shield, the caster uses a tooth and some of the
caster's blood.  Shields can be made for other players, but bone
shields remain bound to their owner and cannot be used by others.

These shields are known for their ability to defend against breath
weapons, and are also said to lend the wearer an unusual measure
of endurance.

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