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Keywords are:  'necromancer spell skeletal knight lich'

Spell: skeletal knight          Mana:  35  Int: 27  Wis: 25  Lvl 25 Necr  (28%)
                                (critical)   Requires: skeletal warrior
                                Group: Necromancer Dragontooth Skills
Spell: skeletal lich            Mana:  35  Int: 29  Wis: 27  Lvl 28 Necr  (28%)
                                (helpful)   Requires: skeletal mage
                                Group: Necromancer Dragontooth Skills

These spells allow the caster to bind soulstones to dragontooth skeletons,
making them stronger and more powerful.

Skeletal warriors become skeletal knights, with more hitpoints, higher
dexterity, and more powerful melee attacks.

Skeletal mages become skeletal liches, with more hitpoints, better saving
throws, and more powerful magic attacks.

You need at least a deep blue soulstone to use these spells, and higher
level soulstones result in more powerful skeletons.

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