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Alter Aeon Online Help

Keywords are:  'newlevel-tips ltype-2'

If you are this level type, congratulations! You don't need any leveling
equipment at all.  Level anything you want, train anything you want, learn
anything you want, at any time.  You cannot permanently screw up your

A few tips, however -
Mages:    Most of your mana comes from a high intelligence stat.  Wisdom
          is second most important.
Clerics:  Most of your mana comes from a high wisdom stat.  Charisma is
          second most important.
Thieves:  Most thief skills require a high dexterity.  Constitution is
          is second most important.
Warriors: Constitution gives more hitpoints, and dexterity and strength
          are needed to use a warriors weapons and skills.
Necromancers: Intelligence is most important, but wisdom is a very close
Druids:   Wisdom is most important, but intelligence is a very close

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