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Keywords are:  'socketfilter filter cut'

<command> | cut -b <start_pos> [end_pos]
<command> | cut <fieldnumber> [more field numbers]

The 'cut' filter can be used to chop lines into pieces.

In byte mode, specified by the '-b' switch, you may specify a start and
ending character position.  Only the selected characters will be displayed.
Note that color codes are included in the count, so it might not give you
the results you expect.  Example:

changes | cut -b 2 11

In field mode, the line will be chopped up into words, and only the word
numbers you specify will be displayed.  One space will be printed between
words in the output.

changes | cut 3 1 2 4 5
changes | cut 3 2 1 3 2 1

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