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Alter Aeon The Great Library

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Note - as with any topic, researchers should question the reliability
and veracity of these texts.  The library's aim is to preserve
documents, not verify accuracy.

AABN:  13782
Title: The Necromarcanorum Volume III: Zombification

 This scroll is made from black leather, rolled around a waxed rod of
darkwood. The text is large and blocky, written with dense white chalk that
is sealed into the leather:

"Zombies are the simplest undead to create and control. They are little
more than preserved corpses imbued with an artificial consciousness created
from soulstone energy. They batter and slam into foes. Some are known to
bite or spit as well. Very little special preparation of the corpse is
required other than a preservation spell, though most necromancers prefer
to remove the viscera to prevent bloating.

A primitive method for creating zombies involves the use of whole
soulstones, which are imbedded into a corpse rather than being dissolved
and instilled into it. These soulstones serve as conduits to which loose
soul-binding energy in the environment is attracted, hastening the
spontaneous rising of the corpse. These zombies tend to be listless, though
they are mindlessly aggressive if disturbed. They are not under direct
control of their creator unless further enchantments are used.

Numerous types of zombie exist. Some are infested with toxins or diseases
which can transform living creatures into zombies. One variety that is
found along beaches are called flotsam, which spontaneously rise from the
corpses of drowning victims. Another variety of aquatic zombie is known as
a skum. These web-footed undead are created from humanoids by powerful
aquatic monsters. A zombie possessed by a demonic or fairy spirit is known
as a wight. These undead are intelligent, using tactics and employing
armor, weapons and sometimes spells." 

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