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Alter Aeon The Great Library

Welcome to the Alter Aeon Historical Archive!

Note - as with any topic, researchers should question the reliability
and veracity of these texts.  The library's aim is to preserve
documents, not verify accuracy.

AABN:  29127
Title: a detailed, colorful map of The Greenhole

    %%%%%%%% ^^^^^^^^^^^  [ Hzune's]%
   %%%%%%%% ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [ Rise   ]%%
   %%%%%%%% ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^[________]%%
   %%%%%%%  ^^^N.^Cove^^^^^%%%%   %%%%%
    %%%%%% ^^^^^[]^^^^^^^^^^^%      ^^%%
    %%%%%% ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^%  %%^^^%%
     %%%%%%  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^%  %%%%%%     
      %%%%%%% ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^%   %%%%%%%
     %%%%%%%%%% ^^^^^^^[%]^^%         %%%
      %%%%%%%%%%% ^^^^^^^^^/The /%%%   %%
    %%%%%%%%%%%%%   ^^^^^^/Deck/^^^%%%  %%
   %%%%%%%%%%%%    ^^^^^^^----^^^^^^^^%  %%
  %%%%%% New   } ^^^^^^^^^^^^^The^^^^^^   %%
  %%%%%% House } ^^^^^^^^^^^Greenhole^^%  %%
   %%%%%      /  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^%   %%
    %%%%    _^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^%%%   %%
     %%%  %% }^^^^^^^^^^^^^^%%     %%   %
     %%%  %% }^^^^S.^Cove^^^^%   %    %%% 
      %%  %% }^__^^^^^^^^^^^^^   %% Old Mining Path 
      %%  %% }///^^^^^^^^^^^%%  %%%to Southern Road
      %%   % ///    ^^^^^^     %%%%%%%
     %%%%  Dock %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  %%  %%%  %%%
   %%     %%%


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