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AABN: 32598
Title: a book titled, "Famous Pirates of the Northern Ocean"
Below is a list of some of the famous pirates of the northern ocean.
Lady dagger:
This human female assassin and pirate was said to enchant men with her
emerald green eyes and fiery red hair. Before any had a clue, she would
be slipping her dagger between their ribs and gone within seconds.
It is believed that she has killed hundreds of men and women, from ship
captains, to port authorities, to spouses grown bored of humdrum domesticity and seduced by her charms, even a few
bounty hunters.
Beside her fiery red hair and stunning emerald green eyes her other most
distinguishing feature is the tattoo of a dagger with a blood red gem
inset into its hilt upon her neck.
Billy Grimhorn:
This pirate is a ruthless satyr that is well known for his robbing of
just about anything from anyone no matter if they were the richest or the
poorest of people. He was even once said to steal a blanket from a baby
just because he wanted to polish his horns.
He has been known to disguise himself as a human with baggy clothes to
hide his legs and a big hat to cover his short horns.
His big identifying mark is that same set of horns, which he bleached and had
scrimshawed with skulls and crossbones.
Silverfox the assassin:
This ruthless assassin is thought to be the one behind hundreds of
murders across the northern ocean. Many thought of him as a ghost, he
could slip into any place, quickly take out his target and be gone before
any had a clue.
Stories say he crossed paths with a necromancer and hasn't been seen
It is said that he has a tattoo of a silver fox upon his chest.
Lady Starfire:
This woman is actually a demon using a glamour to hide her demonic
features. She is beyond cruel and there isn't anything she wouldn't do to
satisfy her own wicked amusement.
Even as good as her glamour is it isn't perfect and can't always hide her
true nature. If one were to watch her for a time, sooner or later her
true nature would reveal itself.
Littlefinger the charmer:
This flamboyant and flashy pirate was known for tricking people into
giving up all of their riches. He would travel all up and down along the
northern ocean and with his silver tongue and his beautiful looks he
would talk nearly anyone out of all of their valuables and life savings.
Even for a human male One would probably say he was more beautiful than
handsome. Beside his beauty, his most distinguishing features are his
flashy dress and the fact he is missing the little finger on his right
Dracos the damned:
This by far is the worse of all of the pirates listed in this book,
because he can change form from a human to a saltwater drake. In his
drake form he would land on larger ships attacking the crew till they
were unable to defend themselves and then rob them of their valuables.
Smaller ships he would just wreck then take any treasures or cargo of
value to resell it on the black market.
For the most part he prefers his drake form and only turns human when
needing to deal with other humanoids or when he has been severely
Recent news reports that all six of these pirates might be hiding in or
around the port city of Crimsonia. Their current form might not be as
obvious, but the various items mentioned above should help in finding
each of them.
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