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Alter Aeon The Great Library

Welcome to the Alter Aeon Historical Archive!

Note - as with any topic, researchers should question the reliability
and veracity of these texts.  The library's aim is to preserve
documents, not verify accuracy.

AABN:  37369
Title: a book called 'Clan Kindred -K-'

Clan Kindred
Membership Requirments : 
1) Be total level 50 or above
2) Obtain a member sponser
3) Pass a voting session
4) Quest if needed

Elders: Arislan, Sly, Ashton, Caliban

Clan Kindred was formed from the merging of clans Vascar and Legion.
Though the merging of these two powerful clans turned some members away
clan Kindred is one of the most sought after of all clans, with most
players feeling it is out of their reach.


This page has been referenced 686 times since last boot.

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