Alter Aeon The Great Library
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AABN: 48190
Title: a rough paper scroll
To any interested in becoming a demon hunter.
Not long ago, seven demons were released upon this world.
Each was a demon of one of the seven deadly sins.
The first was red, the demon of lust.
The second was blue, the demon of gluttony.
The third was golden, the demon of greed.
The fourth was the brown demon or the demon of sloth.
The fifth was the green demon or the demon of envy.
The sixth was the silver demon or the demon of pride.
Finally there was the seventh and most powerful the black demon or demon of wrath.
I caught up with Envy, Pride and Wrath one day in their demon forms.
After a long battle, Envy had opened a portal for them to escape.
Envy and Pride entered the portal and wrath called upon one of his servants to attack me.
Just before the portal closed I was able to get a quick glimpse of their surroundings.
I saw the most horrific Creatures running about everywhere.
All of which looked like something out of my worst nightmares.
Once I defeated Wrath's servant, I continued my hunt.
I nearly had caught up with the demon lust.
Unfortunately it morphed into its human form.
So I have taken up residence here in hopes of determining who it is.
Although they can change to human form they can not hide their true nature.
So this is the best place to start your quest.
The demons do not have to be killed in any special order.
This quest can be completed by either a single hero or a group of brave warriors.
All that matters is that all seven are destroyed, banished or exiled.
Gan the Rune Smith
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